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The science and language that defines the work we do.



(CARS2) Childhood Autism Rating Scale

Autism and Social Cognitive Theory

Autism Symptoms in Toddlers Checklist

Can't Sit Still Meaning

CBD for Autism | A Guide for Parents

Center for Autism and Related Disorders

Cerebellar Abnormalities in Autism

Childhood Anxiety Treatment

Chile and Autism

Chunking Processing of Spatial Working Memory in Autism

Circle of Friends Meaning

Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology (CAAP-2)

Clinical Observations

Co-occurring ASD

Communication Disorder/Communication Impairment

Congenital Condition

Congenital Disorders


Cornelia de Lange Syndrome

Correlation Meaning for Kids

Difference Between High Functioning Autism and Aspergers

The Effects of Citrate and Autism

What are Candidate Genes?

What are Careless Mistakes?

What are Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services?

What are Challenging Behaviors?

What are Child-Focused Instructional Strategies?

What are Childhood Panic Attacks?

What are Children with Autism in Foster Care?

What are CHRNA7 Deletions?

What are Chromosomal Abnormalities?

What are Circumscribed Interests?

What are CNVs?

What are Cognitive Measures?

What are Cognitive Skills?

What are Cohort Studies?

What are College Transitional Programs?

What are Common Core State Standards?

What are Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales?

What are Communication Impairments?

What are Communication Intentions?

What are Communication Interventions?

What are Communication Services?

What are Communicative Development Inventories?

What are Community Services?

What are Community-Based Services?

What are Congenital Metabolic Diseases?

What are Consequence Interventions in ABA?

What Are Contingencies of Reinforcement?

What Are Cooperative Groups?

What are Core Words?

What are Corpus Callosum Abnormalities in Autism?

What are Cortical Language Areas?

What are CPT Codes?

What are Critical Autism Studies?

What are Functions of Communication?

What are Spine Curvatures?

What Does Clumsiness Mean?

What Does Correlational Mean?

What Does Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Mean?

What is a Calm Down Corner for Kids?

What is a Calming Corner?

What is a Caregiver Training Program?

What is a Case Study?

What is a Certificate of Medical Necessity?

What is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)?

What is a Charter School?

What is a Child Behavior Checklist in Autism?

What is a Child Behavioral Therapist?

What is a Child Development Center?

What is a Child Emotion Regulation Therapist?

What is a Child Psychologist?

What is a Cingulum?

What is a Classroom Aide?

What is a Client Information Form?

What Is a Clinical Assessment?

What is a Clinical Psychologist?

What is a Clinical Social Worker?

What is a Clinician

What is a Clock Drawing Test?

What Is a Codic (Verbal Behavior)?

What is a Coexisting Condition?

What is a Communication Assessment?

What is a Communication Board?

What is a Communicative Act?

What is a Community-Based Work Team?

What is a Comprehensive Transition Program?

What is a Concrete Thought Process?

What is a Conditioned Reinforcer?

What is a Conservatorship?

What Is a Consulting Teacher?

What is a Controlling Prompt?

What is Being Clingy?

What is CABS?

What is California Verbal Learning Test, Children’s Version (CVLT-C)?

What is Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery?

What is Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma?

What is Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CCRC)?

What is Canavan Disease?

What is CANTAB?

What is Capgras Delusion Syndrome?

What is Carbidopa?

What is CASL?

What is CAT/CLAMS?

What is Catalepsy?

What is Cataplexy?

What is Catapres?

What is Catastrophic Thinking?

What is Catastrophizing?

What is Catatonia?

What is CATCH 22 (Chromosome 22q11 Deletion Syndrome) ?

What is Catechol-O-Methyltransferase?

What is Catecholamine System ?

What is Category Fluency?

What is Caudate Nucleus ?

What is Caudate?

What is Cause and Effect ?

What is CBCL 1.5–5 ?

What is CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder?

What is CDT ?

What is CELF Preschool – 2?

What is CELF Preschool?

What is Center Based Child Care?

What is Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)?

What is Central Coherence?

What is Central Fatigue?

What is Cerebellar Hypoplasia?

What is Cerebral Atrophic Hyperammonemia?

What is Cerebral Gigantism?

What is Cerebral Palsy Therapy?

What is Cerebral Palsy?

What is Cerebrospinal Fluid 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid?

What is Cerebrospinal Fluid Homovanillic Acid?

What is Cerebrospinal Fluid?

What is CET?

What is Chaining?

What is Change Detection?

What is CHARGE Association?

What is CHARGE Syndrome?

What is CHD8?

What is Chelation Therapy?

What is Child and Family-Centered Intervention?

What is Child Led Parenting?

What is Child Parent Relationship Therapy?

What is Child Psychotherapy?

What is Child-Centered Learning?

What is Child-Centered Play Therapy?

What is Childhood Aphasia?

What is Childhood Disintegrative Disorder?

What is Childhood Emotional Disorder?

What is Childhood Psychosis?

What is Childhood Resilience?

What is Childhood Schizophrenia?

What is Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder?

What is Childhood-Onset Pervasive Developmental Disorder?

What is Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC-2)?

What is Children’s Communication Checklist, Version 2?

What is Children’s Global Assessment Scale?

What is Children’s Psychiatric Rating Scale?

What is Children’s Social Behavior Questionnaire?

What is Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride?

What is Chlorpromazine?

What is Christianson Syndrome?

What is Chromosome 15q11–q13?

What is Chronemics?

What is Chronic Dyskinesia?

What is Chronic Hairpulling?

What is Chronic Irritability?

What is Chronological Age?

What is Cipralex?

What is Circumstantial Thought Process?

What Is Circumstantiality?

What is Citalopram?

What is CLAMS for Kids?

What is Class Versus Variable?

What is Classical Conditioning?

What is Classroom Behavior Management?

What is Classroom Management?

What is Clinical Depression?

What is Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Fifth Edition (CELF-5)?

What is Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scale?

What is Clinical Psychology?

What is Clinical Significance?

What is Clock Drawing for Kids?

What is Clomipramine?

What is Clonazepam for ADHD?

What is Clonotril?

What is Clozapine ?

What is Cluster Analysis?

What is Cluttering?

What is CM-AT?

What is CNTN4?

What is Co-Parenting Therapy?

What is Co-Parenting?

What is Co-Regulation?

What is Cockayne Syndrome?

What is Codic?

What is Cognitive Ability?

What is Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Intervention?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and ASD?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

What is Cognitive Bias?

What is Cognitive Control Circuitry?

What is Cognitive Delay?

What is Cognitive Enhancement Therapy?

What is Cognitive Fatigue?

What is Cognitive Flexibility?

What is Cognitive Function?

What is Cognitive Load Theory?

What is Cognitive processing therapy?

What is Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy?

What is Cognitive Rehabilitation?

What is Cognitive Remediation Therapy?

What is Cognitive Restructuring?

What is Cognitive Shifting?

What is Cognitive Skills Training?

What is Cohen Syndrome?

What is Coinsurance?

What is Collaborative Consultation?

What is Collaborative Intervention?

What is Collaborative Problem Solving?

What is Collaborative Program of Excellence in Autism?

What is Combative Behavior?

What is Common Disease-Common Variant Hypothesis?

What is Common Disease-Rare Variant Hypothesis?

What is Communication Disorder?

What is Communication Intention Inventory?

What is Communication Therapy?

What is Communicative Acquisition in ASD?

What is Communicative Intent?

What is Community Based Instruction?

What is Community Sport?

What is Compass for Hope?

What is Competitive Employment?

What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine?

What is Complete Agenesis?

What is Complete Exhaustion?

What is Complexity Approach in Speech Therapy?

What is Compoz® Nighttime Sleep Aid?

What is Comprehension?

What is Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language?

What is Compulsions?

What is Compulsive Behavior?

What is Compulsive Counting?

What is Compulsiveness?

What is Computed Axial Tomography?

What is Computed Tomography?

What is Computer-Based Intervention Assistive Technology?

What is COMT?

What is Conceptually Accurate Signed English?

What is Concerta?

What is Conduct Disorder?

What is Conductive Hearing Impairment?

What is Confidentiality?

What is Confirmatory Factor Analysis?

What is Congenital Aphasia?

What is Connected Speech?

What Is Consent?

What is Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy?

What is Contactin-Associated Protein 2?

What is Context Dependent Memory?

What Is Contingency Contracting?

What Is Continued Measurement?

What Is Continuous Data Collection?

What is Continuous Measurement?

What is Continuous Recording?

What Is Control?

What Is Controlled Oral Word Association?

What is Conversational Discourse?

What is Convulsion?

What is Cooing?

What is Coordinated Specialty Care?

What is Copy Number Variation?

What is Corneal Reflex?

What is Cortical Deafness?

What is Cortical Remapping?

What is Cortical Rewiring?

What is Cortisol Serum?

What is Cost Sharing?

What is Costello Syndrome?

What is Counseling Psychology?

What Is Counterfeit Deviance?

What is Course of Development?

What is CPRS?

What is CPT?

What is Craniofacial Microsomia?

What Is Craniognomy?

What is Craniology?

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

What Is Cranioscopy?

What is Creative Curriculum?

What is Creativity?

What is Cri du Chat Syndrome?

What is Criterion?

What is Cronbach's Alpha?

What is Cross-Training?

What is Crossed Eye?

What is Crystallized Intelligence?

What is CSF 5-HIAA?

What is CSF HVA?

What Is Cumulative Incidence?

What is Cumulative Risk?

What is Cyberbullying?

What is Cyclohexitol?

What is Cyclothymic Disorder?

What is Cylert?

What is Cymbalta?

What Is the CAT-Q?

What is the CCC-2 Children's Communication Checklist ?

What is the Ceiling Effect?

What is the CELF 5 Observational Rating Scale?

What is the Central Nervous System?

What is the Cerebellum?

What is the Cerebral Cortex?

What is the Child Find Meaning?

What is the Child-Centered Approach?

What Is the Childhood Autism Rating Scale?

What is the Cholinergic System?

What is the Cingulate Cortex?

What is the Cingulum Bundle?

What is the Circle of Control?

What Is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

What is the Clancy Behavior Scale?

What Is the Client Assistant Program (Cap)?

What is The Client Emotional Processing Scale for Autism Spectrum (CEPS-AS)?

What Is the CLVT-C?

What Is the Cochlea?

What is the Collaborative Teaming Model?

What is the Colossal Commissure?

What Is the Conners Rating Scale?

What Is the Conners' Continuous Performance Test (CPT)?

What is The Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale?

What is the Corpus Callosum?

What Is the Cortex?

What is the Council for Exceptional Children?

What Is the Course of Development?

What is The Criterion Referenced Assessment?

What is the CSBQ?

What is the CSBS Test?

Who is Carol Dweck?

Who is Carrie Rozelle?
