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What is Cipralex (Canada)?

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Cipralex is a type of medicine that doctors may prescribe to children who experience challenges related to their emotions, behavior, or mental health. Cipralex is known as an antidepressant, and it can be beneficial for children with conditions like autism or ADHD.

Frequently Asked Question


How long does it take for Cipralex to start working in kids?

The effects of Cipralex may take a few weeks to fully manifest, so it’s essential to be patient and allow time for its benefits to become noticeable.

Can Cipralex help my child improve their social skills?

While Cipralex can support emotional well-being, enhancing social skills may also be aided by other interventions, such as social skills training or Goally’s apps that offer gamified learning experiences.

Will Cipralex make my child feel like a different person?

No, Cipralex is designed to help your child manage specific challenges while still allowing their unique personality and characteristics to shine through.

Can Cipralex be used alongside other therapies or interventions?

Absolutely, Cipralex can be part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include therapies, educational support, and other interventions to best meet your child’s needs.

Scientific Definition


Cipralex, also known by its generic name escitalopram, is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used as an antidepressant medication. It is prescribed to individuals, including children with neurodivergent conditions such as autism and ADHD, who may experience symptoms like anxiety or depression. SSRIs increase serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in regulating mood and emotions in the brain. By doing so, Cipralex helps to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, providing potential benefits for children with special needs in managing their emotional and behavioral challenges.

Video Explanation


Side Effects of Cipralex (Canada)

While Cipralex can benefit kids with special needs, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects. Here are some possible side effects may include:

Side Effect Description
Mild and Temporary Many children may experience mild and temporary side effects that often go away independently
Nausea and Dizziness Some kids might feel nauseous or dizzy when taking Cipralex, but these effects usually improve with time
Changes in Sleep Patterns In some cases, there might be changes in sleep patterns, such as trouble falling asleep or feeling drowsy during the day.
Appetite Changes Cipralex might cause slight changes in appetite, but they generally resolve with continued use
Emotional Sensitivity Children may feel more emotional or sensitive, but this can be an opportunity to foster open communication and support
Consult Healthcare Professional If any side effects persist or cause concern, you must consult a healthcare professional for guidance

Cipralex has the potential to make a positive difference in children’s lives, and while there are possible side effects, most of them are mild and temporary. If your child needs support, always consult with healthcare professionals.

What Does Cipralex (Canada) Treat?

Cipralex is used to help kids with special needs manage certain challenges they may face. Here’s how Cipralex might help kids:

  • Reducing Anxiety: Cipralex can help lessen feelings of anxiety in children, making it easier for them to cope with stressful situations.
  • Alleviating Depression: For kids experiencing symptoms of depression, Cipralex may help improve their mood and overall well-being.
  • Enhancing Emotional Regulation: Cipralex may assist children in better managing their emotions, leading to more stable and balanced behavior.
  • Improving Focus and Attention: Some kids with special needs, like ADHD, might find it easier to concentrate and pay attention with the help of Cipralex.
  • Supporting Social Interactions: Children on the autism spectrum may benefit from Cipralex by experiencing improved social communication and interactions.
  • Minimizing Repetitive Behaviors: Cipralex might help reduce repetitive behaviors often associated with certain neurodivergent conditions.
  • Aiding Overall Functioning: By addressing emotional and behavioral challenges, Cipralex can contribute to overall improved functioning in daily life for kids with special needs.

Cipralex helps kids with emotional and behavioral challenges. It provides comprehensive support for children’s growth with Goally’s tablet and its fun apps for skills development, emotional regulation, executive functioning, and social skills training.


This post was originally published on Aug. 6, 2023. It was updated on Dec. 17, 2023.