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What is Cause and Effect ?

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Imagine throwing a ball in the air; it will come down, right? The throwing is the “cause” that makes the “effect” of the ball coming down. So “cause and effect” means something happens (cause) and makes something else happen (effect). It’s like a great big game of action-reaction in our world!

Frequently Asked Question


What does "cause and effect" mean?

“Cause and effect” refers to the principle that every action or event (cause) will lead to a certain response or outcome (effect).

Why is understanding cause and effect important for children?

Understanding “cause and effect” helps children predict outcomes, make sensible decisions, and better comprehend the world around them.

How can I teach my child about cause and effect?

You can create situations where actions lead to clear consequences or use daily occurrences, games and storytelling to demonstrate cause and effect relationships.

Can cause and effect be used in children's learning tools?

Yes, many learning tools, including Goally’s apps, incorporate cause and effect to help kids understand task completion and consequences.

Scientific Definition


Cause and effect refers to the fundamental principle that every action or occurrence (cause) directly results in a subsequent event (effect). This relation between actions and their outcomes forms the basis of scientific reasoning, logic, and problem-solving.

A Real World Example of Cause and Effect

Meet Lucy, a vibrant seven-year-old, who’s just beginning to grasp the concept of  cause and effect:

– One day, Lucy helps water the plants (cause), soon she sees them sprouting bright flowers (effect).
– At school, Lucy shares her lunch with a new student (cause); she gains a new friend (effect).
– After a day of not cleaning her room (cause), she can’t find her favorite toy (effect).
– Lucy finishes her homework before dinner (cause), earning extra bedtime story (effect).

Throughout these activities, Lucy learned how her actions (causes) influenced her daily experiences (effects). Cause and effect, it turns out, can be quite the adventure in daily life.

How Does Cause and Effect Work?

Cause and effect governs how we interact with and understand the world around us. Here are some examples:

– When it rains (cause), the grass gets wet (effect).
– If you skip meals (cause), you’ll feel hungry (effect).
– If you study hard (cause), you get good grades (effect).
– When you’re kind to others (cause), they usually treat you well in return (effect).

Understanding “cause and effect” can transform how we interpret actions and consequences, helping us make better choices.

Goally steps in to help here. By simplifying tasks into fun apps and routines, Goally breaks down complex tasks into simple cause-effect steps, nurturing kids to become adept at predicting outcomes and making effective decisions. It’s a nifty ally in enhancing your child’s cognitive growth.