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What is Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma?

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The “Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma” is referring to figuring out if a child doesn’t want to do something because they can’t or if they won’t because they don’t want to. It’s tricky because sometimes, kids with special needs might find things more challenging than others, and it’s not always because they’re stubborn.

Frequently Asked Question


How does the Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma impact kids with special needs?

This dilemma can influence how parents interpret their child’s behavior, affecting how they respond and support their child’s growth and learning.

How can parents navigate the Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma?

Parents can navigate this dilemma by observing their child’s behavior in different contexts, experimenting with alternative approaches, and using supportive tools like Goally.

What are some examples of the Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma?

Examples include a child refusing to pick up a pencil during homework time, avoiding social settings like playdates, or not eating certain foods at meal times.

Scientific Definition


The “Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma” in the context of neurodiversity refers to the challenge of discerning whether a child’s behavioral non-compliance is due to an inability (can’t) or unwillingness (won’t). It’s a complex issue steeped in the interplay of cognitive abilities, sensory perceptions, emotional regulation, and social understanding that influence the actions of individuals with special needs.

Real World Example of Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma

Susie, a bright 9-year-old, has always been a picky eater. Dinner time is often a battleground.

  • The Scenario: One night, broccoli lands on Susie’s plate. She immediately pushes it away.
  • Can’t Versus Won’t: Her parents are stumped. Is Susie refusing because she can’t tolerate the texture of broccoli or won’t try something new?
  • The Exploration: They decide to try a different approach. They serve broccoli soup next. Susie slurps it happily!
  • The Solution: Susie wasn’t being stubborn. She couldn’t handle the texture of broccoli, but the soup solved the problem!

Through a bit of detective work, Susie’s parents navigated the Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma. They found a fun solution to a tricky problem, making mealtime more enjoyable for everyone.

How does Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma Work?

The “Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma” pops up daily, adding mystery to parenting kids with special needs. Here are some examples:

  • Homework time: Your child won’t pick up the pencil. Can’t due to motor skill issues or won’t due to fatigue?
  • Social settings: Avoiding playdates. Can’t handle sensory overload or won’t leave their comfort zone?
  • Meal times: Not eating the greens. Can’t tolerate the texture or won’t try unfamiliar tastes?

Spotting the difference can be challenging, but it helps you empathize better, respond aptly, and foster growth in your child’s world.


Goally could be a game-changer in tackling the Can’t Versus Won’t Dilemma. Using fun and interactive apps, it can teach kids skills in a non-stressful way. It could help your child learn to tie shoes, enjoy playdates, or even tackle those greens at dinner!