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What is Cognitive processing therapy?

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Imagine Cognitive Processing Therapy as a special kind of talking with a therapist. This helps kids change upsetting thoughts that come from tough times they’ve experienced.

Frequently Asked Question


Is Cognitive Processing Therapy effective for kids?

Yes, CPT can be effective for kids, helping them to understand and reshape distressing thoughts stemming from difficult experiences.

Can Cognitive Processing Therapy be used with other learning tools?

Absolutely! CPT can be complemented with tools like visual schedules, emotional regulation apps, and rewards to boost its effectiveness.

How does Cognitive Processing Therapy work?

Yes, CPT can be effective for kids, helping them to understand and reshape distressing thoughts stemming from difficult experiences.

Scientific Definition


Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a cognitive-behavioral therapy primarily used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other related conditions. It’s a structured therapeutic approach that aims to alter maladaptive beliefs and thought patterns, assisting individuals in processing trauma and reducing psychological distress.

Real World Example of Cognitive Processing Therapy

Meet Susie, a lively 8-year-old girl. Susie had some tough times that made her see the world as scary. That’s when she started Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). Here’s how it worked for her:

  • Unhelpful Thoughts: Susie was scared of dogs because she was bitten once. Her therapist helped her realize not all dogs are scary.
  • Understanding Impact: She discovered how her fear was stopping her from playing in the park, something she loved.
  • Story Writing: Susie wrote a story about a friendly dog. It helped her see dogs in a new light.

Today, Susie isn’t scared of dogs anymore. She even petted a dog in the park recently! Thanks to CPT, she’s back to her bubbly self, enjoying her park visits to the fullest.

How does Cognitive Processing Therapy Work?

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) works like a thought-changing guide. It helps kids understand and reshape thoughts that trouble them. Here are some ways it works:

  • Challenging Unhelpful Thoughts: Therapists help identify thoughts causing distress, then teach how to challenge them.
  • Understanding Impact: Kids learn how past events affect their feelings and behaviors today.
  • Story Writing: Kids write and share their own stories, helping them see things from a new perspective.

Ultimately, CPT offers a fresh lens to view past experiences, making life less scary and more positive.


In the world of CPT, our Goally tablet can be a valuable ally. Its fun apps and games, designed to build life and language skills, can complement therapy sessions, aiding kids to challenge unhelpful thoughts and develop healthy habits.