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What is Computed Axial Tomography?

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Computed Axial Tomography, also known as a CAT scan, is a special kind of X-ray that takes pictures of the inside of the body from different angles. A computer then combines these pictures to create a detailed image that doctors can use to see what’s going on inside.

Frequently Asked Question


Can emotional regulation apps assist kids after medical procedures?

Yes, apps teaching emotional regulation can provide engaging ways for kids to manage and understand their feelings post-procedure.

Why might a child need a CAT scan?

Children may need a CAT scan to detect injuries, monitor medical conditions, discover hidden illnesses, or guide specific treatments.

How can tools like visual schedules help post-CAT scan?

Visual schedules, like Goally, can help children adapt to post-scan routines and manage feelings, making transitions smoother and more structured.

Scientific Definition


Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) is an advanced medical imaging technique that utilizes X-rays and computer processing to generate cross-sectional images of the body. This non-invasive procedure provides detailed visualizations of internal organs, bones, and tissues, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions. CAT scans are particularly useful for detecting abnormalities in the brain, such as those associated with certain neurodevelopmental disorders.


Real World Example of Computed Axial Tomography

Jake, a 6-year-old boy with autism, had been experiencing frequent headaches and dizziness. His parents, concerned about his well-being, took him to see a neurologist. The doctor recommended a CAT scan to get a better look at Jake’s brain. Here’s how the process went:

  • Preparation: Jake’s parents helped him understand what to expect during the scan, using simple language and comforting reassurances.
  • Scanning: During the scan, Jake lay still on a table that slid into a large, donut-shaped machine. The machine took X-rays from various angles, which were then processed by a computer.
  • Results: The CAT scan images revealed a small abnormality in Jake’s brain, which the neurologist believed might be contributing to his symptoms. With this information, they were able to develop a targeted treatment plan to help Jake feel better.

Thanks to the detailed images provided by the CAT scan, Jake’s doctors were able to identify the issue and take steps to address it, bringing relief to both Jake and his loving parents.

How Does a Computed Axial Tomography Work?

Computed Axial Tomography is a valuable tool for diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions, including those that affect the brain and nervous system. Here are some examples of how CAT scans are used:

  • Detecting abnormalities: CAT scans can reveal structural abnormalities in the brain, such as tumors, cysts, or malformations.
  • Monitoring progression: Regular CAT scans can help doctors track the progression of certain conditions over time, allowing for adjustments in treatment plans as needed.
  • Guiding interventions: The detailed images provided by CAT scans can help guide surgical procedures or other targeted interventions.
Condition How CAT Scans Help
Autism Identify brain abnormalities
Epilepsy Detect seizure-causing lesions
Hydrocephalus Monitor fluid buildup in the brain

By providing a non-invasive way to visualize the brain and other internal structures, CAT scans have become an essential tool in the diagnosis and management of neurodevelopmental disorders and other medical conditions affecting children.


This post was originally published on Sept. 15, 2023. It was updated on May 1, 2024.