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What Are Neurodevelopmental Disorders?

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Neurodevelopmental disorders affect how a person’s brain grows and works, making it harder for them to learn and do things that others can do easily. Examples include autism, ADHD, and intellectual disability, and people with these conditions may need extra support to learn and interact with others.

Frequently Asked Question


What are some early signs of neurodevelopmental disorders?

Early signs of neurodevelopmental disorders may include delays in reaching developmental milestones, difficulty with communication or social interactions, and repetitive behaviors.

Can neurodevelopmental disorders be treated?

While there is no cure for most neurodevelopmental disorders, they can often be managed with a variety of interventions, such as therapy, medication, and educational accommodations.

What causes neurodevelopmental disorders?

The causes of neurodevelopmental disorders are not fully understood, but they are thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Scientific Definition


Neurodevelopmental disorders are conditions that affect the way a person’s brain grows and works. These disorders can happen before a baby is born or during childhood, making it harder for someone to learn and do things other people can do easily. Examples of neurodevelopmental disorders include autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and intellectual disability. Each of these conditions can affect different parts of the brain, which can cause a range of symptoms and challenges. People with neurodevelopmental disorders may need extra support to learn and interact with others. This support can include therapy, medication, and accommodations at school or work. With the right help, many people with neurodevelopmental disorders can lead happy and fulfilling lives.

Treatment for Neurodevelopmental Disorder

Treatment options for neurodevelopmental disorders aim to alleviate symptoms and enhance overall functioning. Here are key approaches to consider:

  • Therapy: Behavioral therapy, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), can help address specific challenges, like communication or social skills.
  • Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage symptoms such as impulsivity, hyperactivity, or anxiety.
  • Educational support: Individualized education plans (IEPs) can provide tailored accommodations and strategies to support learning.
  • Structured routines: Establishing consistent schedules and visual aids, like the use of digital visual schedules, can promote organization and reduce anxiety.
  • Skill-building: Engaging in activities that target specific skills, such as using gamified learning apps, can foster growth in various areas.

Long-term prognosis for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders varies. With early intervention, appropriate support, and consistent therapy, many individuals can achieve significant improvements in their functioning and quality of life.


Editor’s note: This information is not meant to diagnose or treat and should not take the place of personal consultation, as needed, with a qualified healthcare provider and/or BCBA.

Symptoms of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders can present a range of symptoms that affect an individual’s daily functioning. Here is a brief overview of common symptoms associated with these conditions:

  • Communication difficulties: Challenges in verbal and non-verbal communication, such as limited speech, difficulty understanding social cues, or trouble expressing thoughts and emotions.
  • Social interaction challenges: Difficulty forming and maintaining relationships, struggling with social cues, or experiencing social anxiety.
  • Repetitive behaviors: Engaging in repetitive actions, having rigid routines, or displaying restricted interests.
  • Attention and focus issues: Difficulty sustaining attention, being easily distracted, or exhibiting hyperactivity.
  • Learning difficulties: Trouble with academic skills, including reading, writing, and math.
  • Sensory sensitivities: Heightened sensitivity or aversion to sensory stimuli, such as sounds, textures, or lights.

Recognizing these symptoms can help individuals and their support systems provide appropriate interventions and accommodations to enhance daily functioning and overall well-being. Goally, a tablet tool, aids children with neurodevelopmental disorders by offering fun apps that teach life and language skills. These include digital visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, emotional regulation, executive functioning skills, and social skill training videos.


This post was originally published on Feb. 20, 2023. It was updated on July 6, 2023.