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What is Cross-Training?

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Cross-Training is when you do different kinds of exercise to get better at sports or to stay healthy. It’s like mixing up the games you play so you don’t get bored, and your whole body gets a workout.

Frequently Asked Question


How can Cross-Training benefit children with special needs?

It can improve physical strength, emotional stability, and social skills. Plus, it adds variety to keep kids engaged.

Is Cross-Training suitable for kids of all ages?

Absolutely, activities can be tailored to suit any age group. The key is to keep it fun and achievable.

What are some simple Cross-Training activities for children?

Consider activities like swimming, yoga, cycling, or nature walks. These provide a balanced approach to physical and emotional development.

Scientific Definition


Cross-Training refers to engaging in multiple types of physical exercises or activities to improve overall performance, functional capabilities, and well-being. This method is often employed by athletes to enhance their skill sets by incorporating activities that are distinct from their primary sport. Studies have shown that Cross-Training can help reduce the risk of repetitive stress injuries by distributing the workload across various muscle groups and joints.

Real World Example of Cross-Training

Let’s talk about Charlie, a spunky 9-year-old who loves soccer but gets restless easily. His parents decided to apply the concept of Cross-Training to keep things exciting while boosting his skills.

  • Monday – Yoga: Charlie starts the week with a calming yoga session. Helps him focus for the week ahead.
  • Wednesday – Cycling: Mid-week, he hops on his bike. Builds up his leg muscles, which are crucial for soccer.
  • Friday – Team Sports: Charlie joins his buddies for some basketball. Helps him get the hang of teamwork.
  • Sunday – Nature Walks: Family time in the park. Charlie learns about local plants and simply enjoys being a kid.

By the end of the week, Charlie has sharpened his soccer skills and discovered a newfound interest in nature. He’s having a blast and doesn’t even realize he’s working different muscle groups and learning new skills. Soccer may be his first love, but now he’s got a few more interests to keep his life colorful!

How does Cross-Training work?

Cross-Training mixes up different types of exercises to help your child improve their physical and emotional well-being. It’s all about variety and balance.

  • Swimming: Builds stamina and is easy on the joints.
  • Yoga: Improves flexibility and focus.
  • Dance: Boosts coordination and brings in the fun factor.
  • Cycling: Great for leg strength and cardiovascular health.
  • Nature Walks: Teaches awareness and encourages curiosity.
  • Team Sports: Helps social skills and team cooperation.

The key is to keep things interesting. Mixing up exercises can keep your child engaged, making it more likely they’ll stick with it. Plus, variety can be the spice of exercise, helping your kid avoid burnout while exploring new interests.

A Goally tablet can be a game-changer for Cross-Training routines. Use its digital visual schedule to plan out a week of diverse activities. From yoga Mondays to cycling Wednesdays, Goally can help keep your child on track and excited for what’s next.


This post was originally published on August 27, 2023.