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What is CNTN4?

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CNTN4 is a gene that helps brain cells connect with each other during early development. Changes in this gene may be linked to some developmental conditions, like autism and intellectual disability.

Frequently Asked Question


How does CNTN4 affect my child's behavior?

CNTN4 variations may influence skills like communication and attention. It’s one piece in understanding your child’s unique abilities.

Is CNTN4 only related to developmental conditions?

While CNTN4 is often discussed in the context of conditions like autism and ADHD, it’s just one factor among many that influence brain function.

What are some practical tips for parents of children with CNTN4 variations?

Use visual aids to help with routines and consider skill-building apps for emotional regulation. Every child is different; tailor strategies to fit yours.

Scientific Definition


The CNTN4 gene, located on chromosome 3, encodes a protein called contactin-4. This protein is involved in forming and maintaining connections between neurons in the developing nervous system. Variations or deletions in the CNTN4 gene have been associated with an increased risk for neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability. Research suggests that alterations in CNTN4 may contribute to atypical brain connectivity and function in these conditions.



Real World Example of CNTN4

Emma’s parents noticed she wasn’t meeting developmental milestones like her peers. After genetic testing, they learned Emma had a variation in her CNTN4 gene that may be contributing to her challenges. Here’s how the gene affects her development:

  • Communication: Emma struggles with verbal communication and understanding social cues, which is common in kids with CNTN4 variations.
  • Learning: The gene change also impacts Emma’s ability to learn at the same pace as her classmates, so she benefits from specialized educational support.
  • Behavior: Emma’s parents work with therapists to help her manage repetitive behaviors and sensory sensitivities that are often seen in children with altered CNTN4 function.

By understanding how Emma’s unique genetic profile shapes her development, her family and support team can provide tailored interventions to help her thrive.

How Does CNTN4 Work?

CNTN4 plays a crucial role in brain development and function. Here are some key ways this gene is used:

Function Description
Neuronal connections CNTN4 helps guide the formation of connections between nerve cells during brain development.
Synaptic function The protein encoded by CNTN4 is involved in the proper functioning of synapses, the communication points between neurons.
Axon guidance CNTN4 assists in directing the growth and pathfinding of axons, the long nerve fibers that transmit signals.

By understanding the role of CNTN4 in brain development, researchers can better understand how variations in this gene may contribute to neurodevelopmental differences and develop targeted support strategies for affected individuals.


This post was originally published on Sept. 17, 2023. It was updated on April 23, 2024.