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What are Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales?

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The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS) is a test that looks at how young children communicate and play. It’s used to see if a child might have delays in these areas and need extra help.

Frequently Asked Question


How does the CSBS-DP help identify communication challenges?

CSBS-DP observes how kids interact, use toys, express emotions, and more, pinpointing early signs of language or communication difficulties.

Can the CSBS-DP tool be used for all children?

While designed mainly for kids aged 6 months to 6 years, it’s especially valuable for those showing signs of developmental delays.

How does Goally complement the CSBS-DP?

Goally offers visual schedules and skill training apps, enhancing routines, communication, and executive skills that align with CSBS-DP findings.

Scientific Definition


The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS) is a standardized assessment tool designed to evaluate the communication and symbolic abilities of children between 9 months and 6 years old. It focuses on identifying potential delays or impairments in these areas, allowing for early intervention and support. The CSBS assesses a child’s skills in social communication, expressive and receptive language, and symbolic functioning, providing valuable insights for parents and professionals.

Helpful Resources

Real World Example of Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales

Three-year-old Liam’s parents noticed he wasn’t communicating like other kids his age. They decided to have him assessed using the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS). The assessment showed:

  • Liam struggled with making eye contact and responding to his name.
  • He had difficulty using gestures, like pointing or waving.
  • Liam’s play skills were limited, and he didn’t engage in pretend play.

Armed with this information, Liam’s parents worked with a speech therapist to help him develop his communication and symbolic skills. With targeted support, Liam made progress and felt more confident interacting with others.

How does Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales – Developmental Profile work?

The CSBS is a valuable tool for assessing early communication and symbolic development in young children. It’s used in the following ways:

  • Identifying delays: The CSBS helps detect potential delays in communication and symbolic skills.
  • Guiding interventions: Results from the CSBS inform targeted interventions to support a child’s development.
  • Monitoring progress: The CSBS can be used to track a child’s progress over time.
Age Range Areas Assessed
9 months – 6 years Social communication, language, symbolic functioning

By using the CSBS, parents and professionals can better understand a child’s strengths and challenges, leading to more effective support and positive outcomes.