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What is Chelation Therapy?

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Chelation therapy is a medical treatment that uses a special solution given through an IV to remove heavy metals from the body. This treatment is done over and over again until the metals are gone.

Frequently Asked Question


How is chelation therapy administered?

Chelation therapy can involve taking chelating agents in the form of pills, injections, or other methods, allowing the substances to bind with heavy metals for elimination.

Is chelation therapy safe for children?

Chelation therapy should always be performed under the guidance of a medical professional, as its safety depends on the individual’s health condition and specific needs.

Are there alternatives to chelation therapy?

Depending on the situation, healthcare providers may suggest alternative treatments or interventions to address heavy metal concerns in kids with special needs, so discussing options with a doctor is important.

What should parents expect during chelation therapy?

Chelation therapy typically involves multiple sessions spread out over time, during which the child’s health and metal levels will be closely monitored by medical professionals.

Scientific Definition


Chelation therapy is a medical procedure in which a synthetic solution called a chelating agent is injected into the bloodstream to remove heavy metals and minerals from the body. Chelation therapy has been scientifically proven to treat heavy metal poisoning, but its use for other conditions, such as autism, is controversial and not widely accepted by the medical community.


Real World Example of Chelation Therapy

Sarah’s parents were concerned about her developmental delays and learned about chelation therapy as a potential treatment. Here’s how Sarah’s experience unfolded:

Stage Description
Consultation Sarah’s parents discussed chelation therapy with her pediatrician, who cautioned them about the lack of scientific evidence supporting its use for developmental delays.
Decision Despite the pediatrician’s advice, Sarah’s parents decided to pursue chelation therapy, hoping it might help their daughter.
Treatment Sarah underwent several rounds of chelation therapy, which involved sitting for hours while a chelating agent was administered through an IV.
Monitoring Throughout the treatment, Sarah’s pediatrician closely monitored her health and development.
Outcome After completing the chelation therapy, Sarah’s parents did not notice any significant improvements in her development. They ultimately decided to focus on other evidence-based therapies recommended by her pediatrician.

Sarah’s story highlights the importance of making informed decisions based on scientific evidence when considering treatments for children with developmental delays.

How Does Chelation Therapy Work?

Chelation therapy uses special substances to help the body remove heavy metals. Here’s how it works:

  • Chelating Agents: Certain substances are given to the child, either through a pill, injection, or other methods. These substances act like magnets, attracting and binding to the heavy metals in the body.
  • Metal Removal: Once the chelating agents attach to the metals, they form a compound that can be easily eliminated from the body through urine.
  • Monitoring and Safety: Doctors closely monitor the child’s health and the levels of metals in their body throughout the process. Safety is a priority, and the therapy is adjusted as needed.
  • Gradual Process: Chelation therapy is a challenging fix. It often requires multiple sessions over time to effectively reduce metal levels.

Chelation therapy can be helpful for kids with special needs who have high metal levels. 


This post was originally published on Aug. 23, 2023. It was updated on April 18, 2024.