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What Are Consequence-Based Interventions?

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Consequence-Based Interventions are ways to help kids behave better. If they act in a good way, they get something nice. If they don’t, something they like may be taken away, or they might get a time-out.

Frequently Asked Question


What are Consequence-Based Interventions?

Consequence-Based Interventions are strategies to help children improve behavior through positive or negative consequences.

How do Consequence-Based Interventions work?

They work by giving rewards for good behavior or applying consequences for undesirable behavior.

Can Consequence-Based Interventions be fun?

Absolutely, with tools like Goally’s reward app, learning through consequences can be interactive and fun.

Are Consequence-Based Interventions effective?

Yes, they have been found effective in improving behavior and teaching responsibility.

Scientific Definition


Consequence-Based Interventions are behavioral strategies aimed at discouraging undesired behavior or encouraging desired behavior through applying negative or positive consequences.

Real World Example of Consequence-Based Interventions

Let’s talk about Tim, a playful kid who has trouble tidying his toys. Here’s how his parents introduced Consequence-Based Interventions:

  • Step 1: Tim’s parents explain the new rule: “Tidy toys after play.”
  • Step 2: They tell him about the rewards for tidying up, like extra playtime.
  • Step 3: They also explain the consequences of not tidying, like less TV time.
  • Step 4: Tim starts to understand and improve his tidying habit.

Through Consequence-Based Interventions, Tim learned the value of responsibility and orderliness.

How Do Consequence-Based Interventions Work?

Here’s how Consequence-Based Interventions can work:

  • Praise: Rewarding a child when they do something good.
  • Token reward system: Earning tokens for good behavior to exchange for rewards.
  • Time-out: Giving a break from fun activities when behavior is not good.
  • Loss of privilege: Temporarily removing a favorite activity due to undesired behavior.

Consequence-Based Interventions help children understand their actions’ impacts, leading to improved behavior over time.


Goally’s reward app can be a fantastic tool for implementing Consequence-Based Interventions. It makes tracking good behavior and giving rewards both fun and easy.