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What is Clinical Psychology?

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Think of Clinical Psychology as being a mental health detective. A clinical psychologist helps people figure out what’s going on in their minds that might be causing them trouble.

Frequently Asked Question


How can Clinical Psychology help my child?

It can identify underlying issues, provide support through therapy, and create tailored strategies to enhance your child’s mental well-being.

Is Clinical Psychology suitable for children?

Yes, Clinical Psychology offers specialized techniques and treatments that are child-friendly, making it suitable for children of various ages.

Where can I find a clinical psychologist for my child?

Many hospitals, schools, and mental health clinics have clinical psychologists specializing in children’s needs. A healthcare provider can often give a referral.

Scientific Definition


Clinical Psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders and disabilities. It integrates the scientific knowledge of human behavior with therapeutic practices, often providing personalized care for individuals and families. Clinical psychologists work with patients through various methods, including therapy and psychological testing, to understand and manage their specific mental health challenges.

Real World Example of Clinical Psychology

Meet Susie, a bright 8-year-old feeling a bit lost lately. Here’s how Clinical Psychology helped her:

  • Understanding Susie: A clinical psychologist sat down with Susie, playing games and chatting to understand what was troubling her.
  • Finding the Root: The psychologist discovered Susie’s anxiety about moving to a new school through creative activities.
  • Building Confidence: Together, they worked on skills and tools that made Susie feel stronger and more prepared for her new adventure.
  • Follow-Up Care: Regular check-ins ensured Susie continued to feel good about her transition.

Thanks to Clinical Psychology, Susie turned what seemed like a mountain into a fun new journey. She’s now thriving, making new friends, and loving her new school, all with a brighter smile.

How does Clinical Psychology work?

Clinical Psychology offers a way to understand and help with mental health problems. Here’s how it can work in real life:

  • Assessment: Psychologists talk to kids to find out what’s bothering them.
  • Therapy Sessions: Psychologists learn how to help Through play or talking.
  • Testing: They might use games or quizzes to better understand a child’s feelings.
  • Planning: They create a plan tailored to each kid to improve things.

In essence, Clinical Psychology is like a helping hand that reaches out and guides children and families to a healthier state of mind. It’s like having a friend who really knows how to listen.


Goally might be that friend for your family. With fun apps that teach life skills, emotional control, and social skills, Goally aligns with the principles of Clinical Psychology. It’s like having a helpful guide in your child’s pocket, teaching them the ropes and making life more understandable