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What is COMT?

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COMT inhibitors are a type of medication that can help improve thinking skills and memory in some people. They work by allowing more dopamine, an important brain chemical, to stay active in the brain for longer.

Frequently Asked Question


How does COMT help kids with special needs?

COMT medication can improve focus, reduce anxiety, alleviate tics, and support emotional regulation in some children.

What conditions does COMT treat?

COMT medication is used to manage conditions like ADHD, anxiety, Tourette Syndrome, and autism-related symptoms.

Can visual schedules and apps like Goally complement COMT treatment?

Yes, tools like visual schedules and Goally’s apps can enhance the effectiveness of COMT treatment by providing structure and support for daily routines and emotional regulation.

Scientific Definition


COMT inhibitors, or catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors, are a class of medications that block the activity of the COMT enzyme. This enzyme normally breaks down dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain. By inhibiting COMT, these medications increase the levels and duration of action of dopamine, which plays important roles in cognitive function, motivation, and movement. COMT inhibitors are not commonly prescribed but may be used as an adjunctive treatment for conditions like Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia.


Side Effects of COMT

COMT inhibitors can cause side effects in some children, although many tolerate them well. Common side effects include:

  • Nausea: Feeling sick in the stomach, which can sometimes lead to vomiting.
  • Dizziness: A lightheaded or unsteady sensation that can affect balance.
  • Headaches: Persistent pain or discomfort in the head, possibly accompanied by sensitivity to light or noise.
  • Trouble sleeping: Difficulties in falling or staying asleep, which may affect overall rest and mood.
  • Diarrhea: Frequent loose or watery bowel movements.

More serious but rare side effects are also possible. The child’s doctor will monitor them closely and can adjust the dosage if needed to minimize any unwanted effects. Many kids tolerate COMT inhibitors well, and the potential benefits often outweigh the risks.

What Does COMT Treat?

COMT inhibitors may be prescribed to help manage certain symptoms in kids with conditions like:

Condition Purpose of Use
Parkinson’s disease To reduce tremors and muscle stiffness
ADHD To improve focus and impulse control in some cases
Schizophrenia To lessen disordered thoughts and behaviors when used with antipsychotics

The goals of treatment with COMT inhibitors will vary depending on the individual child’s needs. They’re typically used in combination with other therapies under close medical supervision.


This post was originally published on Sept. 15, 2023. It was updated on May 1, 2024.