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(CARS2) Childhood Autism Rating Scale

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CARS-2 is a scoring system that helps doctors determine if a child has autism. It looks at different behaviors and skills to see how a child develops compared to other kids their age.

Frequently Asked Question


Is the CARS2 the only diagnostic tool for autism?

No, the CARS2 is just one of many diagnostic tools available to clinicians. It is widely used but is not the only option.

How long does it take to complete the CARS2 assessment?

The CARS2 assessment typically takes 30-45 minutes to complete, depending on the child’s behavior and the clinician’s observations.

Is the CARS2 assessment reliable and valid?

Yes, the CARS2 is a reliable and valid tool for assessing autism spectrum disorder in children. It has been extensively tested and has demonstrated good inter-rater reliability and diagnostic accuracy.

How does the CARS2 contribute to understanding the social and communication aspects of autism?

The CARS2 assesses various domains, including social interaction and communication, providing valuable insights into a child’s development in these crucial areas. By focusing on specific behaviors, it helps professionals understand and address the social and communication challenges associated with autism.

Scientific Definition


The Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS-2) is a behavioral assessment tool used to identify and diagnose autism spectrum disorder in children. It evaluates a child across 15 functional areas, assigning scores that indicate the severity of autistic symptoms. CARS-2 helps clinicians differentiate autism from other developmental disorders and determine the level of support a child may need.

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Video Explanation


Real World Example of (CARS2) Childhood Autism Rating Scale

Liam’s parents noticed he wasn’t meeting developmental milestones, so they took him to a specialist. The doctor used CARS-2 to assess Liam’s behavior:

  • Social interaction: Liam struggled to make eye contact and engage with others.
  • Communication: He had trouble using words to express his needs.
  • Repetitive behaviors: Liam often rocked back and forth and lined up his toys.

Based on Liam’s CARS-2 scores, the doctor diagnosed him with autism and recommended early intervention services to support his development. With the right help, Liam can learn new skills and thrive.

How Is (CARS2) Childhood Autism Rating Scale Used?

CARS-2 helps professionals assess autism symptoms in kids. Here’s a quick overview:

  • 15 categories: CARS-2 rates a child’s behavior in areas like relationships, communication, and play.
  • Scoring: Each category gets a score from 1 (typical) to 4 (severely abnormal).
  • Total score: Scores are added up to determine if autism is present and its severity.
Total Score Interpretation
15-29 Minimal to no symptoms of ASD
30-36 Mild to moderate symptoms of ASD
37-60 Severe symptoms of ASD

CARS-2 gives doctors valuable insights into a child’s unique challenges, helping families access the support they need to promote healthy development.