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What is Confirmatory Factor Analysis?

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Think of Confirmatory Factor Analysis like a puzzle checker, and you already know what the big picture should look like. This tool tells you if the pieces you’re using actually fit to make that picture.

Frequently Asked Question


Can Confirmatory Factor Analysis help with special needs assessments?

Yes, it’s often used to ensure that diagnostic tests for special needs are accurately measuring what they’re designed to measure.

What kinds of areas can Confirmatory Factor Analysis test?

It can test educational tools, therapy goals, parenting strategies, and special needs assessments among other things.

Can Confirmatory Factor Analysis help with special needs assessments?

Yes, it’s often used to ensure that diagnostic tests for special needs are accurately measuring what they’re designed to measure.

Scientific Definition


Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is a statistical technique used in psychology, education, and other social sciences to validate the structure of a set of observed variables against a predetermined theoretical framework. It helps researchers to confirm or reject hypothesized relationships among variables, often represented in a model. This method is particularly popular in assessing measurement instruments like psychological tests or questionnaires.

Real World Example of Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Let’s talk about Charlie, a spirited young lad with ADHD. His parents, eager to make learning fun for him, buy a bunch of educational apps. They have a hunch these apps could boost his math and language skills. Enter Confirmatory Factor Analysis to see if the theory holds up.

  • Choosing the Apps: Charlie’s parents select apps that are supposed to improve math and language skills.
  • The Testing Phase: They let Charlie play these games for two weeks, then measure his skills using school tests.
  • Gathering Data: The parents note his scores and how he feels about learning.
  • Analysis Time: A local researcher uses Confirmatory Factor Analysis to compare the app features with Charlie’s test results and feelings about learning.
  • Results: The analysis shows that, yes, the apps do help Charlie, especially with his language skills.

Turns out, science can back up those parental instincts. Confirmatory Factor Analysis helped Charlie’s family pick the right tools for his learning journey, and they couldn’t be happier.

How does Confirmatory Factor Analysis work?

Confirmatory Factor Analysis helps figure out if your theory about a bunch of things being connected actually holds water. It’s like a truth-checker for your ideas. Here’s how it comes to life:

  • Tests Educational Tools: Schools use it to check if a math test really measures math skills.
  • Verifies Therapy Goals: Therapists can confirm whether a treatment targets the right behavior traits.
  • Parenting Strategies: This helps you know if your home rules actually promote good behavior.
  • Special Needs Assessment: Used to make sure diagnostic tests for special needs are on point.

So, it’s like having a really good BS detector but for science and parenting. Handy, right?


Goally can be a real game-changer here. For instance, its digital visual schedules can be assessed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis to ensure they help your child with time management and daily routines. It’s like having a seal of approval for the strategies you’re using with Goally.


This post was originally published on September 15, 2023.