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What is Chronemics?

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Think of chronemics like this: It’s about how we use time when we talk to people. It’s like when you wait a bit before answering a question, or how long we think it is okay to wait before returning a phone call. It’s all about the time rules we follow without even thinking about it.

Frequently Asked Question


What is chronemics? 

Chronemics is the study of how we use and perceive time in communication. It includes aspects like response time, length of conversations, and usage of silence.

How is chronemics relevant to kids?

Chronemics is vital for kids as it influences their social interactions. They learn to respond timely, maintain conversation lengths, and use silence effectively.

What are examples of chronemics in daily life?

Examples of chronemics include the pause before responding to a question, the duration of a conversation with a friend, and the waiting time before returning a phone call.

How can parents teach their kids about chronemics?

Parents can teach chronemics by modeling good time-related communication habits, such as responding promptly to questions and respecting the time of others.

How can tools like Goally help with teaching chronemics? 

Goally, with its range of fun and interactive apps, can help kids learn and practice chronemics in a gamified environment, making the learning process enjoyable and effective.

Scientific Definition


Chronemics is a branch of study in nonverbal communication that explores how people perceive, structure, and use time to express messages. This subject dives deep into our temporal habits—how we react to and manage time in various social situations. It can vary across cultures, generations, and history.

Real World Examples of Chronemics

Let’s take a peek at Gus’s day. Here’s how he uses chronemics:

  • Morning Meetup: Gus waits 10 seconds before answering his mom’s questions at breakfast. It shows he’s thinking about his answers.
  • Friend Time: When playing with his friend Maya, Gus gives quick responses. It keeps their game lively and fun.
  • Teacher Talk: Gus waits for his teacher to finish talking before he asks his questions. This shows respect.
  • Bedtime Banter: Gus takes long pauses between stories with his dad at bedtime. It signals he’s winding down for sleep.

So, even on a normal day, Gus is rocking those “time rules” without knowing it! Time can really talk, can’t it?

How Do Chronemics Work?

Chronemics looks at how we use time in our everyday conversations. Here are a few examples to consider:

  • Reply speed: How fast you reply to a text or return a call can say a lot.
  • Talk length: How long we talk to someone can show our relationship with them.
  • Wait time: How long we wait for someone to finish a story can demonstrate respect or impatience.
  • Silence use: Using silence in a conversation can show many things, like thoughtfulness or discomfort.

These “time rules” aren’t often discussed but make a difference in our social relationships!


When mastering these “time rules,” our Goally tablet might be just the ticket. Through fun and easy-to-use apps, it helps kids learn about timing in conversations and so much more. It’s like having a cool, patient coach in their pocket!