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What is CHAT?

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CHAT as a helpful checklist used by doctors and parents to spot early signs of autism in toddlers. It’s important because catching these signs early can help kids get the proper support they need sooner.

Frequently Asked Question


Is CHAT a definitive autism diagnosis?

No, CHAT is not a diagnosis, but a tool to help identify if a child may be at risk and needs further professional evaluation.

Is CHAT applicable for all children?

Yes, CHAT can be used for all toddlers aged 18-24 months as a general check, whether or not there is a suspicion of autism.


How can Goally help with behaviors that CHAT checks for?

Goally’s interactive learning apps can help enhance social and communication skills that CHAT focuses on.

Scientific Definition


CHAT, or the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, is a validated developmental screening tool designed to identify children aged 18-24 months who may be at risk of being on the autism spectrum. It enables health practitioners and parents to quickly flag behaviors indicative of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), facilitating early intervention and optimal developmental outcomes.

Real World Example of CHAT

Let’s take a look at Susie, a lively two-year-old, through the lens of CHAT:

  • Playtime: Susie loves her toys but doesn’t pretend to have tea parties with them. Instead, she lines them up by color.
  • Pointing: When a bird flies by, she doesn’t point or look where her dad points.
  • Eye Contact: Susie’s eyes don’t meet her mom’s when they’re playing peek-a-boo; she’s focused more on the blanket.

CHAT helped Susie’s parents spot these early signs and connect with professionals for help. It wasn’t a diagnosis, but it opened the door for Susie to get the support she needed in her own time. This is CHAT in action – a caring nudge toward the right help at the right time.


How does CHAT work?

CHAT‘s magic lies in its simplicity. It looks at everyday behaviors and checks for signs of autism.

  • It asks about play – like whether a toddler pretends to make a cup of tea with play dishes.
  • It checks if the child points to interesting things – like a flying airplane.
  • It checks whether the child can follow where you’re looking or pointing.
  • It observes if your child uses eye contact to share a smile or to get your attention.

In short, CHAT helps identify early signs of autism by focusing on key social communication behaviors. Remember, it’s just a tool, not a diagnosis. But it’s a great first step in helping your child if they need extra support.


Goally might be a big help here. Its interactive learning apps can boost those social and communication skills that CHAT keeps an eye on. A fun and engaging way to help your child along their unique journey.