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What are Cognitive Measures?

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Cognitive measures help us understand how well someone can think, remember things, solve problems, or understand words. They’re essential for figuring out if a kid learns or thinks differently from others.

Frequently Asked Question


Why are cognitive measures important for kids with special needs?

Cognitive measures help us understand a child’s unique way of thinking, identifying their strengths and areas where they might need support.

Can cognitive measures be fun for my child?

Yes, with tools like Goally, cognitive measures can be engaging and enjoyable, transforming learning into a fun activity.

What does a cognitive measure look like in action?

A5: An example could be a memory test where a child is asked to remember items from a list or a language test to assess word understanding.

Scientific Definition


Cognitive measures are a class of assessments that evaluate an individual’s mental capabilities, such as reasoning, memory, attention, language, and problem-solving skills. These measures, often in the form of standardized tests, provide an empirical gauge of a person’s cognitive abilities and can assist in identifying potential areas of neurodiversity.

Real World Example of Cognitive Measures

Let’s talk about Susie, an energetic and creative 8-year-old. She’s always been unique in her thinking, often seeing the world from a different angle. Her parents decided to use Cognitive Measures to understand her better.


During a memory test, Susie remembered all the items from a list even after a fun distraction, showcasing her impressive memory.

  • In a problem-solving task, she constructed a complex puzzle quicker than her age group’s average, showing off her knack for problem-solving.
  • She used unique, expressive words during a language test, indicating her expansive vocabulary.
  • In the attention check, she struggled to stay focused, showing a possible area for improvement.

These cognitive measures helped Susie’s parents better understand her strengths and areas where she might need extra support. It was like getting a unique roadmap for their special journey with Susie.


How do Cognitive Measures work?

Cognitive measures work by asking questions or giving tasks that make your brain work. It’s like a gym session for your mind! Let’s take a quick peek at some examples:


  • Memory Tests: How many items from a list can a kid remember after some time?
  • Problem-Solving Tasks: Can they figure out how to solve a puzzle?
  • Language Skills: How well can they understand and use words?
  • Attention Checks: Can they stay focused on a task for a set amount of time?

By checking these skills, we can understand a child’s unique way of thinking. It’s like getting to know the secret superpowers of their brain!


Our product, Goally, can support cognitive measures in a fun and engaging way. Imagine having a tablet that’s like a brain trainer, helping kids learn life and language skills while they have a blast!