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What is Criterion?

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A criterion is a standard or rule used to judge or decide something. For kids with special needs, criteria are used to determine if they qualify for certain services or supports.

Frequently Asked Question


How does Criterion benefit my child's growth?

Criterion offers clear benchmarks, helping identify a child’s strengths and areas for improvement. It streamlines learning by pointing out where support is needed.

How can rewards be aligned with the Criterion approach?

Rewards can be given when a child meets or exceeds a set criterion, making the reward system more structured and objective.

Why is Criterion important for emotional regulation apps?

By setting criteria, these apps can gauge a child’s emotional response, tailoring interventions to meet specific emotional needs effectively.

Scientific Definition


In the context of neurodiversity and developmental disabilities, a criterion refers to a specific characteristic or requirement that must be met for an individual to be diagnosed with a particular condition or to qualify for certain interventions and accommodations. Criteria are typically based on scientific research and established by professional organizations or government agencies.



Real World Example of Criterion

Meet Max, a 7-year-old boy whose story helps illustrate how diagnostic criteria are applied in the context of neurodiversity.

  • Parental Observations: Max’s parents have noticed that he struggles to make friends and often engages in repetitive behaviors, such as lining up his toys in a specific order.
  • Seeking Expert Guidance: Concerned about Max’s development, his parents decide to consult a child psychologist.
  • Professional Assessment: The psychologist observes Max’s behavior and asks his parents about his social interactions, communication skills, and interests.
  • Diagnosis Using Criteria: Utilizing the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder, the psychologist determines that Max meets the requirements for a diagnosis.
  • Planning for Support: Armed with this diagnosis, Max’s parents and the psychologist develop a personalized treatment plan to support his growth and development.

This careful and structured approach ensures that Max receives the necessary support tailored to his needs, enabling him to thrive.

How Does Criterion Work?

Criteria are used in various ways when it comes to understanding and supporting neurodiversity. Here are a few examples:

Purpose Description
Diagnosis Criteria help professionals identify and diagnose specific conditions, such as autism, ADHD, or Down syndrome.
Treatment planning Once a diagnosis is made, criteria can guide the development of individualized treatment plans.
Research Criteria are used in research studies to ensure that participants have the specific characteristics being studied.
Education Schools use criteria to determine if a student qualifies for special education services and accommodations.

By understanding how criteria are used, parents can better advocate for their child’s needs and work with professionals to ensure they receive the most appropriate support.


This post was originally published on August 21, 2023. It was updated on May 9, 2024.