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Behavioral Parent Training

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Behavioral Parent Training is a special class for moms, dads, or caregivers. In this class, grown-ups learn cool tricks and tools to help their kids behave better and follow the rules. It’s all about teaching with love, understanding, and consistency.

Frequently Asked Question


What is Behavioral Parent Training, and who can benefit from it?

Behavioral Parent Training teaches parents how to guide their child’s behavior. It’s great for families dealing with behavioral issues, communication challenges, or simply looking for new parenting tools.

Is Behavioral Parent Training suitable only for parents of kids with special needs?

Behavioral Parent Training can benefit any parent, not just those with children who have special needs. It teaches universal parenting skills.

How long does Behavioral Parent Training typically last?

Behavioral Parent Training may last from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the program and individual family needs.

Can Behavioral Parent Training be done online?

Yes, some Behavioral Parent Training programs are available online, offering flexibility and accessibility to families who cannot attend in-person sessions.

Is Behavioral Parent Training scientifically proven to be effective?

Yes, numerous studies show that Behavioral Parent Training is effective in improving child behavior and enhancing parenting skills. It is a widely accepted and evidence-based approach.

Scientific Definition


Behavioral Parent Training (BPT) is a therapeutic approach wherein parents learn skills and techniques to influence their child’s behavior positively. Grounded in principles of behaviorism and applied behavior analysis, BPT equips parents to modify undesirable behaviors in their children while promoting and strengthening desirable behaviors through evidence-based strategies.

A Real World Example of Behavioral Parent Training

Meet Susie, a lively 7-year-old girl who had trouble listening to her parents:

  • The Struggle: Susie often ignored her parents’ instructions and had frequent tantrums.
  • Parents Seek Help: Susie’s parents enrolled in Behavioral Parent Training.
    • Learning Together: They learned new ways to talk to Susie, set clear rules, and reward good behavior.
    • Home Practice: They practiced what they learned, being consistent and patient.
    • Positive Change: Susie started to listen more, and the tantrums lessened.
  • A Happier Home: Thanks to what they learned, the family found new joy in their daily routine.

Behavioral Parent Training brought harmony back into Susie’s home, showing that change is possible with the right tools, patience, and understanding.

How Does a Behavioral Parent Training Work?

Behavioral Parent Training isn’t just any regular class; it’s a game-changer for families. Here’s a quick look at how it rolls out:

  • Learning the Basics: Parents learn why kids act the way they do.
  • Picking Up Skills: They learn tools like giving clear instructions, using rewards, or setting timeouts right.
  • Practice Time: Parents get to practice these skills, first with guidance, then at home.
  • Group Sharing: Some sessions might have group discussions where parents can share experiences and tips.
  • Seeing the Magic: As parents use these tools over time, they often see positive changes in their child’s behavior.

Remember, it’s about understanding, patience, and the proper techniques to make things smoother at home.

Pairing Behavioral Parent Training with tools like Goally can make the journey more impactful. With Goally’s digital visual schedules and emotional regulation apps, parents can seamlessly implement what they’ve learned in BPT sessions. Whether guiding kids through their morning routine or teaching them how to handle big emotions, Goally is a tech-friend that reinforces the principles taught in Behavioral Parent Training. It’s the modern touch in the age-old quest for effective parenting!