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What Is the Conners’ Parent Rating Scale?

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Conners’ Parent Rating Scale (CPRS) is a test that helps parents and caregivers share information about a child’s behavior. It asks questions about attention, energy levels, and impulsive actions to understand how the child is doing emotionally and behaviorally.

Frequently Asked Question


What is the purpose of Conners' Teacher Rating Scale (CTRS)?

The purpose of Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale is to gather information from teachers about a child’s behavior, emotions, and other aspects of their functioning in the school environment.

Who completes the Conners' Teacher Rating Scale?

Teachers complete the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale questionnaire as they can provide valuable insights into a child’s behavior and emotional well-being within the classroom.

How does the Conners' Teacher Rating Scale help professionals?

The Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale helps professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of a child’s behavioral and emotional challenges in the school setting, guiding appropriate interventions and support strategies.

How can Goally complement the Conners' Teacher Rating Scale?

Goally offers interactive apps for life and language skills that can complement the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale by providing additional resources and support for children’s behavioral and emotional development.

Scientific Definition


Conners’ Parent Rating Scale (CPRS) is a standardized assessment tool used to evaluate various aspects of a child’s behavior and emotional functioning based on reports from parents or caregivers. It provides valuable insights into the child’s attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and other behavioral and emotional issues.

Real World Example of the Conners' Parent Rating Scale Work

Meet Jack, a curious and energetic 7-year-old. Jack’s parents noticed that he had difficulties with attention and impulse control. They decided to use the Conners’ Parent Rating Scale (CPRS) to gain more insight into his behavior. Here’s a glimpse of Jack’s experience:

  • Jack’s parents received the CPRS questionnaire and carefully answered questions about Jack’s behavior at home and school.
  • They described how Jack struggled to stay focused during homework and frequently interrupted others during conversations.
  • Jack’s parents completed the questionnaire with honesty and detail, sharing their observations of his behavior and emotional well-being.
  • The completed CPRS was then shared with Jack’s healthcare provider, who reviewed the information to better understand Jack’s challenges.
  • With the insights gained from the CPRS, Jack’s healthcare provider discussed potential strategies and interventions to support his attention and impulse control.

By utilizing the CPRS, Jack’s parents actively contributed to the assessment process, ensuring that professionals had a comprehensive understanding of his behavior and emotional functioning. Together with their healthcare provider, Jack’s parents embarked on a journey to support his unique needs and help him thrive.

How Does the Conners' Parent Rating Scale Work?

Conners’ Parent Rating Scale (CPRS) involves parents or caregivers completing a questionnaire about their child’s behavior. The questionnaire covers different areas such as attention, hyperactivity, and emotional concerns. By gathering information from parents, the scale provides a comprehensive picture of the child’s behavioral and emotional functioning.

  • Parents or caregivers answer questions about their child’s behavior and emotions.
  • The questions cover areas like attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
  • The scale helps professionals understand the child’s behavioral and emotional challenges.
  • It provides insights into attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral issues.
  • The information collected from parents helps guide interventions and support strategies.

In a nutshell, Conners’ Parent Rating Scale allows parents and caregivers to provide valuable information about a child’s behavior and emotions, helping professionals tailor appropriate interventions and support. Remember, you are the expert on your child’s experiences, and tools like CPRS are here to support you on this journey.


Goally, an innovative tool featuring apps for life and language skills, can complement the Conners’ Parent Rating Scale (CPRS) by providing additional resources and support for children. From visual schedules to executive functioning skills and emotional regulation, Goally offers a range of interactive apps to enhance a child’s behavioral and emotional development. Discover how Goally can empower your child’s progress alongside the CPRS.