Parent Press

a Goally Publication




The science and language that defines the work we do.



Hans Asperger

Help for Parents With a Child With Autism

Highly Sensitive Child

How Can I Treat my Child with ADHD at Home?


Hyperlexia & Autism



The Hidden Curriculum & Autistic Students

Types of ADHD

What are Hallucinations?

What Are Hidden Disabilities?

What are Hypermobile Joints?

What is 5-HTP for Kids?

What is a Hybrid Therapy Approach?

What is a Prompt Hierarchy in Applied Behavioral Analysis?

What is Being Hearing Impaired?

What is Habilitation?

What is Hand Over Hand Prompting?

What is Handwriting Without Tears?

What is HCWA?

What is Hearing Impairment?

What is Helicopter Parenting?

What is Heller’s Syndrome?

What is Hepatic Encephalopathy?

What is Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia?

What is Heterogeneous Condition?

What Is High-Functioning Autism?

What is High-Functioning Depression?

What is Humming?

What is Hydrocephalus?

What is Hyper-Observant?

What Is Hyperactivity?

What is Hyperacusis?

What is Hyperawareness?

What is Hyperekplexia?

What is Hyperemotional?

What is Hyperempathy?

What is Hyperfixation?

What is Hyperfocus?

What is Hypergraphia?

What is Hyperkinesis?

What is Hyperkinetic Disease?

What is Hyperkinetic Disorder?

What is Hyperkinetic Reaction of Childhood?

What is Hyperlexic?

What is Hypermetamorphosis?

What is Hypernasality?

What is Hyperresponsiveness?

What is Hypersensitivity Disorder?

What is Hypersomnia?

What is Hyperverbal?

What is Hypervigilance?

What is Hypoacusis?

What is Hypomanic Episode?

What is Hyponasality?

What is Hyporesponsiveness?

What is Hyposensitivity?

What is Hypotonic?

Who is Howard Gardner?
