Parent Press

a Goally Publication




The science and language that defines the work we do.



Autism and Language Acquisition

How to Create a Language-Rich Environment?

Lack of Eye Contact

Language Processing Disorder

Learning Disabilities and Autism

Learning Processing Disorder in Kids

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Level of Arousal

Life Skills to Teach Kids

Low Functioning Autism

What are Labile Emotions?

What are Language Learning Models?

What are Licensed Professional Counselors?

What are Life Skills in Preschool?

What is a Language Learning Disability (LLD)?

What Is a Late Talker?

What is a Learning Disability?

What is a Lexicon?

What is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker?

What is a Lisp?

What is a Local Education Agency?

What is L-tryptophan?

What is Lack of Focus?

What is Lacking Emotion?

What is Landau Kleffner Syndrome?

What is Language Delay?

What is Language Disorder?

What is Language Expansion?

What is Language Extension?

What is Language Facilitation Techniques, Commenting?

What is Language Facilitation Techniques, Pausing?

What is Late-Diagnosed Autism?

What is Lau v. Nichols?

What is Learned Helplessness?

What is Leitner System?

What is Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome?

What is Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome?

What is Letter Sound Correspondence?

What is Levodopa?

What is Life Skills Training?

What is Linear Thinking?

What is Linguistic Intelligence?

What is Lion's Mane?

What is Lisdexamfetamine?

What is Locked-In Syndrome?

What is Long-Term Disability?

What is Loss of Motivation?

What is Lovaas Method?

What is Low Frustration Tolerance?

What is Low Registration Sensory?

What is Low Self-Esteem?

What is Lunesta?

What is the Learning Disabilities Association of America?

Who is Leo Kanner?

Who is Leon Eisenberg?

Who is Lewis Terman?

Who is Lorna Wing?
