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What is L-tryptophan?

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L-tryptophan is like a special ingredient that our bodies use to make something very important called “serotonin.” Serotonin is like a happy messenger in our brains that helps us feel good and calm. Some kids with special needs might need extra L-tryptophan to help their brains work better.

Frequently Asked Question


Is L-tryptophan safe for children with neurodivergent conditions?

L-tryptophan can be considered as part of a holistic approach, but it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before giving it to children, especially when used alongside other treatments.

Can L-tryptophan replace other treatments for neurodivergent conditions like autism or ADHD?

No, L-tryptophan is not a replacement for other treatments. It may complement existing interventions by supporting mood and sleep, but it should be used under professional guidance.

Are there any dietary sources of L-tryptophan?

Yes, you can find L-tryptophan in various foods like turkey, chicken, eggs, nuts, and dairy products. Including these foods in your child’s diet can naturally provide L-tryptophan.

What should I do if my child experiences side effects from L-tryptophan?

If your child experiences side effects like upset stomach or drowsiness, consult a healthcare provider. They can offer guidance on adjusting the dosage or exploring alternative treatments if needed.

Scientific Definition


L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid, which means our bodies can’t make it independently, so we need to get it from our food. Once inside our bodies, L-tryptophan plays a crucial role in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, and various other important functions in our brains. This amino acid is the building block for serotonin, helping our brains communicate and function properly. In some cases, individuals with neurodivergent conditions like autism or ADHD may benefit from L-tryptophan supplements to support their neurotransmitter balance and overall well-being. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before considering any supplementation.

Side Effects of L-tryptophan

L-tryptophan is generally well-tolerated by most individuals, and side effects are rare. However, it’s important to be aware of potential effects, even though they are infrequent. Remember, these side effects are typically mild and temporary:

  • Upset Stomach: Occasionally, some individuals may experience mild digestive discomfort.
  • Drowsiness: In some cases, L-tryptophan can lead to drowsiness, so it’s often taken in the evening to support better sleep.
  • Allergic Reactions: Though rare, allergic reactions are possible, so it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

While side effects from L-tryptophan are uncommon, it’s always best to consult a healthcare provider when considering any new treatment. On a lighter note, the potential benefits of improved mood and well-being often outweigh the rare and mild side effects for those who may benefit from it.

What Does L-tryptophan Treat?

L-tryptophan can benefit kids with special needs because it may help improve certain aspects of their well-being. Here are some ways L-tryptophan might be used:

  • Mood Regulation: L-tryptophan can aid in balancing mood by supporting the production of serotonin, the “feel-good” chemical in the brain.
  • Sleep Quality: It may help improve sleep patterns, making it easier for children to get the needed rest.
  • Anxiety Management: L-tryptophan could potentially reduce anxiety symptoms in some cases.
  • ADHD Symptoms: While not a primary treatment, it might complement other interventions by promoting better focus and attention.

When used under professional guidance, L-tryptophan supplements may play a supportive role in enhancing the overall well-being of children with neurodivergent conditions. Goally, our tablet platform, aids children with neurodivergent conditions, complementing potential L-tryptophan benefits. Its apps cover life skills, emotional regulation, executive functioning, and social skills via videos, supporting holistic development.