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What is Life Skills Training?

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Life Skills Training means helping your child learn essential abilities they need for everyday life. These skills will make them more independent and confident in caring for themselves and their surroundings.

Frequently Asked Question


Is Life Skills Training tailored to my child's abilities?

Yes, Life Skills Training is individualized, focusing on your child’s unique strengths and needs, ensuring they receive instruction at a pace and level that suits them best.

Can Life Skills Training make a difference in my child's social interactions?

Absolutely, Life Skills Training equips your child with the social skills they need to engage positively with others, fostering friendships and meaningful connections.

Is Life Skills Training only for specific types of special needs?

No, Life Skills Training is beneficial for a wide range of special needs, as it focuses on building essential skills that can enhance the lives of children with various challenges.

Can Life Skills Training help with my child's independence?

Absolutely, Life Skills Training empowers your child to manage tasks independently, fostering confidence and setting the foundation for greater self-sufficiency in the future.

Scientific Definition


Life Skills Training refers to a structured educational approach aimed at teaching children with special needs a range of practical abilities necessary for their daily lives. These abilities encompass various domains such as personal care, communication, social interaction, problem-solving, and decision-making. Through systematic instruction and hands-on experiences, children develop the skills to navigate daily challenges, enhance their self-reliance, and engage more effectively with their environment and peers. Life Skills Training recognizes each child’s individual strengths and needs, tailoring instruction to foster their unique capabilities and promote their overall well-being. By fostering independence and adaptive functioning, Life Skills Training empowers children with special needs to lead fulfilling lives and participate actively in their communities.

Real World Example of Life Skills Training

Meet Susie, a spirited 8-year-old with a heart full of curiosity. As a child with special needs, Susie embarked on an empowering journey through Life Skills Training:

  • Morning Routine Mastery: Susie starts her day by independently following a digital visual schedule on her tablet, guiding her through brushing her teeth and getting dressed.
  • Grocery Store Adventure: Susie navigates the grocery store with her family, confidently finding items from her favorite app’s interactive shopping list.
  • Expressing Needs: Using AAC on her tablet, Susie quickly communicates her desires during playdates, fostering friendships.
  • Emotional Exploration: Through engaging apps, Susie learns to identify and manage her emotions, sharing her feelings more effectively.
  • Problem-Solving Prodigy: Susie thrives in solving puzzles, applying her problem-solving skills from Life Skills Training to everyday challenges.
  • Bedtime Victory: Susie enjoys a calming bedtime routine with a structured routine app, managing her evening with newfound confidence.

Susie’s journey with Life Skills Training and Goally’s interactive tools showcases the incredible potential of tailored instruction, fostering independence, and enriching her life with valuable skills.

How Does Life Skills Training Work?

Life Skills Training systematically teaches practical skills to children with special needs, enabling them to independently navigate daily tasks and challenges. Here are some examples of how it works:

  • Structured Learning: Children receive step-by-step instruction in various life skills to build competence and confidence.
  • Real-life Scenarios: Training incorporates real-world situations, like grocery shopping or public transportation, to ensure practical application.
  • Repetition: Repeated practice helps solidify skills, making them more automatic and usable.
  • Individualized Approach: Instruction is tailored to each child’s abilities, focusing on their strengths and needs.
  • Collaboration: Parents, teachers, and therapists reinforce skills across different settings.
  • Self-Care Skills: Learning to dress, groom, and manage personal hygiene independently.
  • Communication Skills: Developing effective verbal and nonverbal communication for expressing needs and interacting with others.
  • Social Skills: Practicing interactions, sharing, and cooperation to foster positive relationships.
  • Problem-Solving: Teaching how to analyze challenges and find solutions.
  • Time Management: Learning to manage schedules and complete tasks within time frames.

Life Skills Training empowers special-needs kids. Goally’s tablet apps enhance this through interactive tools, covering life skills, emotional regulation, and social interactions for independence in a fun way.