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Level of Arousal

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Level of arousal is like a kid’s energy meter. It shows how awake or sleepy they are or how ready they are to play or learn. For kids with special needs, this ‘energy meter’ helps us make their world better suited for them.

Frequently Asked Question


How does a high level of arousal affect a child?

A high level of arousal can make a child overly alert, potentially leading to restlessness, hyperactivity, or difficulty focusing. It can also make them more sensitive to sensory input, which could be overwhelming.

What does a low level of arousal indicate?

A low level of arousal means a child is less alert or responsive. This could lead to them seeming disinterested, tired, or unresponsive to stimuli that would usually engage them.

Can a child's level of arousal be regulated?

Yes, strategies such as sensory integration therapy, regular routines, calming activities, or targeted exercises can help regulate a child’s level of arousal. Tailoring activities to a child’s arousal level can help them feel more comfortable and engaged.

Scientific Definition


The level of arousal refers to the different states of alertness and readiness individuals can experience, ranging from deep sleep to intense excitement. This measurement is important for children with special needs as it greatly affects their ability to learn, interact, and engage with their surroundings. By understanding a child’s unique arousal level, parents can create an environment that promotes their growth and development. Adjusting stimuli and activities according to their child’s arousal level helps create a supportive and optimal learning environment.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Level of Arousal

Meet Susie, a lively seven-year-old with autism. Like all children, her level of arousal can change throughout the day, but it can look a bit different than it does for others.

  • In the morning, Susie’s level of arousal is usually low. She’s slow to wake up, a bit groggy, and needs a quiet, calm start to her day. Loud noises or fast-paced activities can overwhelm her.
  • By mid-morning, her arousal level climbs. She becomes more alert and is ready to engage with her surroundings. This is the best time for her to learn new things, as she’s most receptive and focused.
  • After lunch, Susie’s level of arousal drops slightly. It’s a good time for quieter activities, like drawing or puzzle-solving, which don’t require high energy but keep her engaged.
  • In the late afternoon, her arousal spikes again. She becomes very active and needs physical exercise, like running in the park or playing a game of catch.
  • As bedtime approaches, Susie’s arousal level slowly decreases. Quiet time, reading a favorite book, or soft music helps her transition to a good night’s sleep.

Understanding Susie’s level of arousal helps her parents and teachers create a routine and environment that works for her. This way, Susie can thrive and reach her full potential every day.

How Does Level of Arousal Work?

A child’s ‘energy meter’ refers to their level of arousal, which determines their readiness to engage in activities and respond to the world. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Energy Meter Scale: Every child has an ‘energy meter’ that operates on a scale, ranging from low arousal (very sleepy) to high arousal (very alert).
  2. Brain Control: Our brains regulate the ‘energy meter’ based on sensory information. They determine the appropriate level of arousal for each situation.
  3. Special Needs: Some children with special needs may have different ‘energy meters.’ They might be more or less alert than their peers.
  4. Impact on Daily Life: A child’s ‘energy meter’ affects their ability to learn, play, and interact with others.

Understanding a child’s ‘energy meter’ helps us create an environment that suits them best. It enables us to see the world from their perspective and supports their unique needs and abilities. Goally, our tablet product, helps kids with varying arousal levels through fun apps like visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, emotional regulation, executive functioning skills, and social skills training videos.


This post was originally published on May 20, 2023. It was updated on July 8, 2023.