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Life Skills to Teach Kids

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Think of life skills as all those handy things your kid needs to learn to get along in day-to-day life. You know – getting dressed, keeping clean, making a snack, doing chores. Oh, and let’s remember to take turns, behave in a group, and manage some of those tricky emotions!

Frequently Asked Question


What are life skills to teach kids?

They are daily tasks and behaviors kids need to learn to navigate life independently, like personal care, cooking, money management, and social interaction.

How can I teach these life skills to my child?

Introduce tasks in a step-by-step manner, turn learning into a game, make use of visual reminders, and celebrate small win with tools like Goally.

At what age should I start teaching these life skills?

It’s never too early to start! Encourage age-appropriate skills as your child grows, adapting and adding new tasks as they mature.

Are life skills important for every child?

Absolutely! Life skills are essential for all children, even more so for those with special needs. They boost confidence, self-reliance, and social compatibility.

Scientific Definition


In a more academic context, life skills to teach kids refer to the competencies children gain to effectively engage with their environment and handle physical, emotional, and social tasks. They’re neatly divided into two categories: practical life skills (like personal hygiene, food preparation, and budget management) and societal life skills (like communication, emotional management, and conflict resolution). A fascinating study showed that these skills significantly reduce behavioral issues and improve academic performance!

Video Explanation


A Real Life Example of Life Skills

Let’s spin around the life of Charlie, a quirky nine-year-old working on her life skills with the help of her supportive parents and a nifty tool named Goally. Now, the aim isn’t to create a little mini-adult but to equip Charlie with skills to make her feel more confident and independent. Here is how they’ve been at it:

  • Morning routine: Charlie’s day starts with simple self-care tasks. Goally’s on-the-go reminders help her brush her teeth, dress, and tidy her room independently.
  • Making breakfast: Her parents have started teaching her how to make a sandwich. Charlie’s not just handling food prep; she’s also learning safety and hygiene!
  • Homework and chores: Charlie uses Goally to manage her homework and chores after school. The built-in rewards system makes these tasks feel less like a drill and more like a game!
  • Social skills: Charlie learns about turn-taking and polite conversation during family board games in the evenings. It’s a natural, fun way to learn.

Charlie is becoming more self-reliant and confident daily – cheers to life skills! Remember, parents, baby steps are the way to go. Start small and watch your kid blossom.

Here’s a quick glance at Charlie’s day:

Activity Life Skill
Morning routine Self-care
Making breakfast Food prep and safety
Homework and chores Time management
Family games Social skills

How Are Life Skills Used?

Life skills are about putting those practical, everyday skills into practice. It’s about preparing kids to engage with their surroundings and weather life’s highs and lows. Here are some quick examples:

  • Personal care: Show your kids how to brush their teeth, tie laces, or use the toilet independently.
  • Cooking: Teach them to make a simple sandwich or safely use a microwave.
  • Money management: Let’s have them grasp the value of money and the budgeting basics. Think piggy banks and grocery shopping!
  • Social skills: Regular playdates can help your child learn to interact, share, and make friends.

And remember, it’s never a race. Kids learn at their own pace. So, taking things slow, making them fun, and celebrating small victories are essential. Tools like Goally can be game changers that actively encourage life skills with reminders and rewards! So, here’s to turning challenges into opportunities, one step at a time!