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What is a Prompt Hierarchy in Applied Behavioral Analysis?

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The hierarchy of prompting is a step-by-step process of giving help that gradually decreases over time. It starts with the most help and ends with the least amount of support, so the person can learn to do something independently. This method can be used by teachers, parents, or anyone who wants to help someone learn a new skill.

Frequently Asked Question


What is the purpose of the hierarchy of prompting?

The sense of the hierarchy of prompting is to provide support in a way that gradually decreases over time, helping the person being prompted to learn a new skill and become more independent.

How does the hierarchy of prompting work?

The hierarchy of prompting works by starting with the highest level of support and gradually decreasing it until the person can perform the task on their own. Each step of the hierarchy provides less support than the previous one.

Who can use the hierarchy of prompting?

Anyone can use the hierarchy of prompting, including teachers, therapists, parents, and caretakers. It can help people of all ages and abilities learn new skills and become more independent.

Scientific Definition


The hierarchy of prompting is a way of giving help to someone who needs it in a way that gradually decreases the amount of support given. Think of it like a ladder with different steps. The first step is the most helpful, and each step after that gives a little less help until the person can do the task on their own. For example, if someone is having trouble learning how to tie their shoes, the first step of the hierarchy would be to do it for them. The next step would be to guide their hands and help them do it. The last step would be to give them verbal instructions. The goal is to help the person become more independent and learn new skills. Using the hierarchy of prompts can be a helpful tool for teachers, parents, or anyone helping someone else knows something new.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Hierarchy of Prompting

Susie is an adventurous and curious 6-year-old with a passion for learning new things. She recently decided to learn how to ride a bicycle without training wheels. Susie’s parents, knowing about the Hierarchy of Prompting, were excited to help her on this journey. Here’s how the hierarchy of prompting helped Susie:

  • Step 1 – Full Support: At the beginning, Susie’s dad held the bike steady as she practiced pedaling and steering. This allowed Susie to focus solely on getting comfortable with the bike.
  • Step 2 – Gradual Independence: As Susie gained confidence, her dad provided less support, allowing her to steer while he kept a hand near the bike, ready to step in if needed.
  • Step 3 – Minimal Assistance: With practice, Susie could pedal and steer on her own, but she was still hesitant. Her dad gave verbal encouragement from a short distance, boosting her morale.
  • Step 4 – Full Independence: Finally, Susie’s big day arrived! She confidently pedaled without any assistance, beaming with pride.

Thanks to the Hierarchy of Prompting, Susie’s journey to ride a bike became an enjoyable and empowering experience. By gradually reducing support, she not only mastered a new skill but also learned the value of persistence and determination.

How Does Hierarchy of Prompting Work?

The Hierarchy of Prompting is an effective teaching method that gradually reduces support to encourage independent learning. It involves a step-by-step approach to assist individuals in mastering new tasks or skills. Below are key points to understand how it works:

  • Gradual Support: The method provides varying levels of assistance, starting with high support and gradually reducing it as the learner becomes more proficient.
  • Task Breakdown: Tasks are broken down into smaller, manageable steps, making it easier for the learner to grasp and practice.
  • Promotes Independence: By decreasing support over time, the learner gains confidence and learns to perform the task independently.
  • Individualized Approach: The level of prompting is tailored to the learner’s abilities and needs, ensuring a personalized learning experience.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Encouragement and positive reinforcement are given as the learner progresses through the steps.
  • Examples of Hierarchy of Prompting in Action:
    1. Brushing Teeth: Initially, a parent may help a child with every step, gradually allowing the child to take on more responsibility until they can brush their teeth independently.
    2. Homework Assistance: A teacher may provide detailed instructions for a challenging assignment, then gradually reduce guidance as the student becomes more proficient.
    3. Cooking Skills: A cooking instructor might start by demonstrating a recipe step-by-step and then encourage the students to follow along on their own, offering help only if needed.

The Hierarchy of Prompting is a valuable strategy that empowers learners by offering the right level of support, leading to increased independence and skill development. Goally’s tablet with fun apps supports kids through the Hierarchy of Prompting, fostering independence and skill development in life, language, emotional regulation, executive functioning, and social skills.


This post was originally published on Feb. 11, 2023. It was updated on July 21, 2023.