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What is Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery?

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Imagine a computer game doctors use to understand how a child’s brain works and that this game is called the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery, or CANTAB. By playing different parts of the game, doctors can determine what a child is good at and what they might need help with.

Frequently Asked Question


Is the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery only for children with special needs?

No, it can be used for any child to understand their cognitive abilities and areas for improvement.

How can the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery help my child?

The results can guide personalized learning strategies, focusing on your child’s specific strengths and areas of growth.

Can the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery be used with other learning tools like Goally?

Absolutely! The insights from CANTAB can work alongside tools like Goally to continue supporting your child’s development at home.

Scientific Definition


The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) is a sophisticated, computer-based set of assessments developed by cognitive scientists at the University of Cambridge. It’s designed to evaluate diverse cognitive functions, providing an in-depth understanding of an individual’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. The battery offers normative data across ages and cultures, making it a powerful tool for diagnosing and tracking neurodevelopmental conditions in children.

Real World Example of Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery

Let’s look at Susie, a bright 8-year-old with an amazing smile and a love for drawing. But Susie’s parents noticed she needed help remembering instructions. They decided to use the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) for a better understanding. Here’s what happened:

  • The Big Day: Susie went to a friendly clinic, where she played games on a touch-screen computer. She matched shapes, followed routes, and solved puzzles. She was nervous at first but then found it fun!
  • The Report: The CANTAB created a detailed report of Susie’s strengths and challenges. It showed that she had a unique difficulty with short-term memory.
  • The Plan: Armed with this information, Susie’s parents and teachers created a learning strategy tailored to her needs. They focused on improving her memory through fun, engaging activities.

So, thanks to CANTAB, Susie got the proper support she needed, all while having fun!

How Does Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery Work?

The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery works like a detailed brain game. It shines a spotlight on how different parts of your child’s brain work, all through the power of technology. Here are some examples of how it rolls:

  • Touchscreen Tests: Kids respond to puzzles and problems on a screen; no writing is needed.
  • Memory Games: Tasks that measure how well your child can remember shapes, patterns, or routes.
  • Attention Tests: Fun challenges that check how well your child can focus on tasks.

At the end of it all, the CANTAB gives us a report card of the brain, helping us understand your child’s unique strengths and areas they might need some help with. Now, here’s a nifty thing about our tool, Goally. It’s a tablet that helps your child build essential skills just like the CANTAB.


Only, with Goally, the learning continues at home through fun, engaging apps. It works with insights from tools like CANTAB, enabling your child to strengthen their cognitive muscles in real-time.