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Supplemental Learning for Kids

As parents, we recognize the importance of providing our children with an enriching educational experience. And studies have shown that extra education outside of the standard school year can help improve test scores. Clearly, supplemental learning for kids is critical in enhancing their academic journey. And this is especially true for children with ADHD and Autism, who may benefit from support specific to their unique needs. In this article, we aim to help you better understand your child’s requirements as you explore the world of supplemental learning opportunities.

Supplemental Learning with Extra Tutoring

Extra tutoring can be invaluable in reinforcing classroom concepts or addressing specific challenges your child may face in their education. The benefits of individualized attention through tutoring include improved understanding, boosted confidence, and enhanced study habits. All of which are essential ingredients for success!


Goally’s Kid’s Tablet has one of the largest libraries of skill-building videos (like “How to Share” and “What To Do When You’re Lost”) in the Goal Mine app.👇

Different tutoring options cater to varying needs:

  • One-on-one sessions provide personalized instruction.
  • Group classes promote peer interaction.
  • Specialized tutors offer targeted support for children with ADHD or Autism.

Consquently, when selecting the right tutor for your child, consider factors such as teaching style compatibility, subject expertise, and experience working with similar learners.

Remember that finding the perfect fit might take some time. And don’t be afraid to try multiple tutors until you find someone who genuinely connects with your little learner!

Supplemental learning for kids. A student communicates with a teacher via online video conferencing on a laptop.

Supplemental Learning with Online Courses

Online courses offer a flexible and convenient way for children to expand their knowledge beyond traditional school subjects. These digital learning platforms provide opportunities to explore new domains, from coding lessons that cultivate logical thinking skills to foreign language instruction that fosters cultural awareness.

In addition, popular platforms like Scratch (coding for kids), Duolingo (language learning), or Outschool (a wide range of topics) cater specifically to young learners. To help your child get the most from these online courses, monitor their progress regularly. Equally, make sure to verify that the content is both age-appropriate and engaging.

Read More: Kids Learning Toys

Supplemental Learning with Enrichment Activities

Enrichment activities outside the realm of traditional academics play a crucial role in fostering personal growth and developing diverse skill sets. By exposing children to various experiences, we help create well-rounded learners who are better equipped for success in all aspects of life.

Consider introducing your child to art or music classes where they can express themselves creatively, join sports teams that promote physical fitness and teamwork, or participate in community service initiatives that instill empathy and civic responsibility. The key is finding activities aligned with your child’s interests so they remain motivated while developing essential life skills!

Supplemental learning for kids. A teacher and a student sit at a piano and play it together.

Tips for Parents to Pick Effective Supplemental Learning:

  • Assess Current Strengths/Weaknesses: To ensure the best fit, tailor additional resources according to your child’s individual needs and areas where they require extra support.
  • Encourage Exploration: Provide opportunities for trying new things and discovering untapped passions. This can help identify subjects or activities that truly resonate with your child.
  • Balance Work/Play: Make sure supplementary learning is engaging and fun without adding extra stress. Strike a balance between challenging them academically and giving them space to unwind.
  • Collaborate With Educators: Discuss any concerns with teachers, share insights about your child’s progress. Look for recommendations about helpful resources that work with classroom learning.

Tips for Kids to Express Their Learning Interests:

  • Create Open Dialogue: Encourage regular discussions about schoolwork extracurricular interests. Set up a supportive environment where children feel comfortable expressing their opinions.
  • Observe Patterns: Keep an eye on activities they gravitate towards or excel in. These may reveal underlying interests you can further nurture through supplemental learning options.
  • Be Supportive: Validate their passions even if they differ from your own expectations. Remember that each child has unique talents worth exploring!
  • Provide Opportunities for Growth: Expose your child to different experiences by offering a range of enrichment activities or online courses. Additionally, explore subjects in various fields, sparking new interests while broadening their horizons.

By incorporating these tips into daily routines along with tailored supplemental learning choices, we’ll watch them thrive & unlock endless possibilities!

Goally | Learning Videos for Kids

Want to help your kiddo supplement their learning? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

Goal Mine on a blue Goally tablet showing a lesson for "learning how to raise your hand when in class."

Dive into the Goal Mine channel, where Puffy the Penguin leads your child through behavior skills training videos. They’ll learn social, hygiene, and living skills that are key to their independence. For those moments when they need a break, the Chill Zone channel offers low stimulation video content with Paulie the Penguin at the beach, perfect for relaxation and self-regulation.

Try Goally as an app on any device you have at home for just $15. We also have a dedicated tablet (which ONLY has Goally on it) for $149.


In a nutshell, supplemental learning for kids is important for unlocking the potential of our neurodiverse little ones. As parents, let’s be proactive in seeking out extra tutoring, online courses, and enrichment activities. Thereby we not only nurture their skills but also foster independence and self-confidence. And always keep in mind – you’re not alone on this journey! Also, Goally is here to support both you and your child with our innovative software tools designed specifically for kids with ADHD and Autism.

FAQs About Supplemental Learning for Kids

What is supplemental learning for kids?
Supplemental learning involves additional educational activities that complement regular schoolwork to enhance a child's understanding and skills.
What forms can supplemental learning for kids take?
It can take various forms such as tutoring, educational apps, extracurricular activities, or learning resources like books and websites.
Why is supplemental learning important for kids?
It's important because it reinforces what kids learn in school, provides extra practice in areas where they struggle, and can help advance their knowledge beyond the classroom.
How can parents facilitate supplemental learning at home?
Parents can provide learning resources, schedule consistent study times, and engage in educational activities that align with their child's interests.
Can supplemental learning help kids with learning difficulties?
Yes, supplemental learning can provide tailored resources and activities that cater to a child's specific needs, aiding their overall learning progress.

This post was originally published on March 28, 2023. It was updated on June 26, 2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.