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What is Confidentiality?

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Confidentiality means keeping someone’s private stuff a secret. For kids with special needs, it’s like making sure only the right people, like doctors or teachers, know about things like their medical or school info.

Frequently Asked Question


Why is confidentiality important for kids with special needs?

It ensures your child’s sensitive information is shared only with those who need it, protecting their privacy and optimizing their care.

Who is authorized to access my child's confidential records?

Typically, medical professionals, teachers involved in IEPs, and legal guardians are the ones allowed access.

Can confidentiality be broken in certain situations?

Yes, if there’s an immediate threat to the child’s safety or well-being, confidentiality may be breached to protect them.

Scientific Definition


Confidentiality refers to the ethical and legal obligation to protect sensitive and private information from unauthorized access or disclosure. In the context of children with special needs, this involves safeguarding medical records, educational plans, and personal data to ensure they’re only accessible to those authorized to see them. A breach of confidentiality could result in various legal ramifications, not to mention the emotional toll it may take on the family involved.

Real World Example of Confidentiality

How does confidentiality really play out? Let’s walk through a day with Charlie, a kid with ADHD and sensory sensitivities. This little narrative should paint a picture of how confidentiality safeguards his well-being:

  • Morning Doctor’s Visit: Charlie sees his pediatrician for a regular check-up. His doctor takes notes but assures the family these records are accessible only to necessary medical staff.
  • School Hours: During an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting at school, the teacher discusses Charlie’s academic progress. All info stays within the meeting room, shared only with approved personnel.
  • After-School Therapy: Charlie has an afternoon speech therapy session. The therapist keeps records but only shares updates with Charlie’s parents.
  • Online Learning App: At home, Charlie practices math on a secure website. His mom knows his scores won’t be shared beyond their family account.

With each step, people in Charlie’s life are cautious to respect his confidentiality. Makes you want to give everyone involved a high-five, right?

How does Confidentiality work?

Confidentiality is all about creating a safe bubble for your child’s sensitive info. Here’s a quick rundown of how this works and why it matters:

  • Medical Records: Doctors keep your child’s health info locked up tight. No one can peek without your okay.
  • IEP Meetings: During school planning, only the people who need to know are in the room. That’s it.
  • Therapy Sessions: What’s said between your child and their therapist stays there. No spillage allowed.
  • Online Forms: When filling out stuff online for your kid, those secure websites make sure data stays hidden.

So, there you go. It’s not just a rule; it’s a promise to keep your child’s information safe, helping them get the support they need without any worry. Feels good, right?

When it comes to confidentiality, Goally gets it. The tablet has a secure profile just for your child, keeping their daily routines and learning activities private. Imagine setting up a teeth-brushing routine that only you and your child can access. Simple, secure, and totally tailored to your kid’s needs.


This post was originally published on September 15, 2023.