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What is Cognitive Load Theory?

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Think of Cognitive Load Theory as a backpack for your thoughts. If we stuff too many things in it simultaneously, it gets harder to carry and sort through. So, learning new things in smaller, manageable chunks is the best approach.

Frequently Asked Question


What is Cognitive Load Theory? 

Cognitive Load Theory suggests that our brain is limited to how much new information it can process at once, impacting how we learn.

How does Cognitive Load Theory work?

Cognitive Load Theory encourages the breakdown of complex tasks or information into smaller, more manageable parts for more accessible learning.

Can Cognitive Load Theory apply to my child's daily activities?

Absolutely! Cognitive Load Theory can help your child manage tasks without feeling overwhelmed, from homework to cleaning up toys.

How does Goally use Cognitive Load Theory? 

Goally applies Cognitive Load Theory by breaking down tasks into smaller steps, making them easier for your child to understand and complete.

Why is understanding Cognitive Load Theory essential for my child's development?

Cognitive Load Theory aids in effective learning and problem-solving. Understanding it, your child can tackle tasks more confidently, enhancing their skills and independence.

Scientific Definition


Cognitive Load Theory proposes that our working memory has limited capacity and that learning is hindered if too much information is processed simultaneously. It suggests educational instruction should be designed to minimize extraneous cognitive load and maximize effective learning.

A Real World Example of the Cognitive Load Theory

Let’s look at Susie, tackling a school project this time. Here’s how Cognitive Load Theory helps:

  • Susie’s project is to build a model solar system – which seems like a huge task!
  • Following Cognitive Load Theory, she breaks it down into smaller tasks: researching planets, gathering materials, then constructing each planet.
  • She completes each task one by one to keep from getting overwhelmed.
  • Before she knows it, her project is complete, and she’s learned a lot along the way!

Cognitive Load Theory helps Susie take a seemingly massive undertaking and turn it into a fun, manageable endeavor!

How Does Cognitive Load Theory Work?

Let’s make sense of how Cognitive Load Theory actually works:

  • Understanding our limits: Just like hands can hold so many marbles at once, our brains can only handle so much information simultaneously.
  • Breaking it down: Building a puzzle one piece at a time is more manageable; the same goes for learning. Small steps lead to extensive knowledge!
  • Avoiding overload: We might drop them all if we juggle too many balls. Keeping our cognitive ‘load’ light helps us learn more effectively.

Have you ever heard the expression ‘Work smarter, not harder’? That’s what Cognitive Load Theory is all about.


So, where does Goally come in? Goally helps manage the cognitive load by breaking down tasks into manageable chunks. Through visual schedules and step-by-step guides, it helps your child process information more efficiently. It’s like a gentle guide, easing the learning journey one step at a time.