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What are Core Words?

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Core words are simple, essential words like “yes,” “no,” “more,” and “stop” that are used to help kids with special needs communicate effectively. These words are like building blocks for language and play a vital role in helping children express their needs and thoughts.

Frequently Asked Question


How do core words benefit children with special needs?

Core words empower children by reducing frustration, promoting independence, and enhancing social interaction, allowing them to communicate their thoughts and needs more efficiently and participate actively in daily life.

How can I incorporate core words into my child's daily routine?

You can integrate core words by using communication devices or boards, modeling their use during activities, and providing opportunities for your child to practice using them in various contexts.

Are there specific strategies for teaching core words to children with special needs?

Yes, strategies like aided language input (modeling core words while speaking), visual supports, and structured activities can be effective in teaching core words to children with special needs.

Can core words be personalized for my child's unique needs?

Absolutely, core words can be tailored to your child’s specific communication requirements, ensuring they have access to the words that are most relevant and meaningful to them.

Scientific Definition


Core words are fundamental, high-frequency words that serve as the foundation of communication for children with special needs. These words include basic vocabulary like “want,” “go,” “like,” and “help.” They are strategically chosen to support children in expressing themselves and engaging with their environment. A notable fact is that a small set of core words, carefully integrated into communication systems, can significantly enhance a child’s ability to interact and convey their intentions.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Core Words

Meet Charlie, a bright and determined 7-year-old with special needs who is discovering the power of core words in his everyday life:

  • Morning Routine: Charlie starts his day by using his communication device to say “hello” and “breakfast.” It helps him tell his parents what he wants for breakfast, fostering independence.
  • Playtime with Friends: Charlie uses core words like “share” and “play” to engage with his friends during playdates. He asks “more” when he wants to continue a fun activity, making playtime enjoyable for everyone.
  • School Adventures: Charlie’s teacher introduces core words like “help” and “listen.” Charlie uses these words to participate in classroom discussions and seek assistance.
  • Family Time: Charlie uses core words like “eat” and “drink” at dinner to express his meal preferences. This empowers him to make choices and participate actively in family meals.
  • Bedtime Routine: Charlie says “goodnight” to his parents before bedtime, creating a sense of connection and love.

Charlie’s journey with core words demonstrates how these essential words enable him to communicate, connect, and thrive in various aspects of his life.

How Do Core Words Work?

Understanding how core words function in communication is essential for parents of children with special needs. These words form the bedrock of practical expression and interaction. Here’s a concise overview of their practical application:

Foundation of Communication: Core words serve as the foundation of language, enabling children to convey their thoughts, desires, and needs clearly.
Versatile and Adaptable: These words are versatile and adaptable, usable in various contexts and situations.
Reducing Frustration: Core words minimize frustration by providing a means to express essential messages, reducing misunderstandings.
Promoting Independence: They empower children to make choices, ask for assistance, and engage with their surroundings independently.
Enhancing Social Interaction: Core words facilitate interaction with peers, family, and educators, promoting social development and inclusivity.
Supporting Learning: Incorporating core words into education and therapy aids language acquisition and communication skills development.

Incorporating core words into daily life empowers children with special needs, enriching their communication skills and overall quality of life.