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What is CHARGE Association?

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CHARGE Association is like a tricky puzzle in our body’s building blocks, our genes. This puzzle can cause some people to have problems with their eyes, heart, breathing, growth, body parts, and hearing, but this condition is usually rare.

Frequently Asked Question


Can children with CHARGE Association lead a normal life?

Yes, with early and appropriate treatment, kids with CHARGE can lead fulfilling lives, reaching their unique potential.

How is CHARGE Association treated?

Treatment is personalized for each child, potentially involving eye care, heart health management, breathing aids, growth support, and hearing aids.

How can Goally help children with CHARGE Association?

Goally is a tablet that teaches life and language skills, helping kids with CHARGE Association make daily tasks more approachable and boost their independence.

Scientific Definition


CHARGE Association is a rare, complex genetic disorder characterized by a unique pattern of anomalies. Medically termed CHARGE syndrome involves multiple system abnormalities such as Coloboma, Heart defects, choanal Atresia, Retardation of growth and development, Genital abnormalities, and Ear anomalies/deafness, each represented by the letters in CHARGE.

Symptoms of CHARGE Association

Understanding the symptoms of CHARGE Association is crucial. It manifests differently in each child, but here’s a list of common signs:

  • Eye issues: Coloboma may cause vision problems.
  • Heart troubles: Heart defects can result in unusual tiredness or breathing difficulties.
  • Breathing problems: Blockages in nasal passages can make breathing challenging.
  • Growth delays: Children may grow or develop slower than their peers.
  • Hearing loss: Some kids might have difficulty hearing or be deaf.
  • Physical differences: Unusual shapes or sizes of certain body parts may be observed.

Recognizing these symptoms early helps in designing the proper care and support. Remember, each child’s CHARGE journey is unique, but understanding these common signs can be a great first step.

Treatment of CHARGE Association

Addressing CHARGE Association needs a tailor-made approach for each unique child. Here’s a sketch of what the journey might involve:

  • Eye care: Regular visits to an eye doctor can help manage issues caused by coloboma, improving vision and comfort.
  • Heart health: A cardiologist might suggest medications, lifestyle changes, or sometimes, surgeries to keep the heart strong.
  • Breathing aids: Special tubes or surgeries may be required to help with breathing problems.
  • Growth support: Special diets and therapies can boost growth and development.
  • Hearing aids: Technologies like hearing aids or cochlear implants can help those with hearing challenges.

The journey with CHARGE is lifelong, but with early and effective treatment, kids can lead fulfilling lives, reaching their unique potential.


For kids navigating CHARGE, Goally could be a great teammate. It’s a fun tablet that teaches vital skills like brushing teeth, bedtime routines, and more. Goally’s interactive and engaging format could make daily tasks more approachable for kids with CHARGE Association, fostering independence and boosting confidence.