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What Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q)?

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Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q) helps to see how well someone with autism can act like they don’t have it, especially around people who aren’t autistic. Just like a chameleon changes colors to fit in, some folks with autism change their behavior to blend in with others and this quiz measures just that.

Frequently Asked Question


What is the Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q)?

The CAT-Q is a self-report assessment designed to measure the extent to which individuals with autism mask or camouflage their autistic traits in social situations.

Why is the CAT-Q important?

The CAT-Q provides insights into the coping strategies individuals with autism use to navigate social environments, contributing to a better understanding of their experiences.

How does the CAT-Q work?

The CAT-Q consists of a series of questions that assess how often a person engages in behaviors like masking their true feelings or imitating social behaviors in order to fit in.

Who can benefit from the CAT-Q?

Researchers, clinicians, and individuals on the autism spectrum can benefit from the CAT-Q’s insights, aiding in tailored support and interventions.

Scientific Definition


The Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q) is a validated psychological tool designed to measure the degree and effectiveness of camouflaging strategies adopted by individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These strategies include modifying behavior, masking symptoms, or mimicking social norms to blend into neurotypical settings.

Real World Example of Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q)

Meet Susie. She’s a lively 10-year-old with autism who loves books and cartoons. But, like many, she often feels different. Let’s see how the CAT-Q can uncover Susie’s camouflaging efforts:

  • Susie hides her love for cartoon sketches at school, afraid her classmates might find it odd.
  • She watches her friends closely during lunch, copying their laughs and gestures to fit in.
  • At a birthday party, she puts on a “social smile”, trying to seem like everyone else.
  • By the time she gets home, she’s often drained, the day’s act leaving her exhausted.

The CAT-Q brings these unseen efforts to light. It highlights the bravery of Susie, and countless kids like her, dancing on the tightrope of fitting in. Susie’s story reminds us that everyone’s got their own rhythm, and that’s perfectly okay!

How does Behavior Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q) Work?

The CAT-Q operates like a guide, asking critical questions about a person’s behavior. It’s all about spotting those moments when someone with autism might try to blend in.

  • Asks about times when they hide their feelings or interests to fit in.
  • Looks for instances of mimicking others’ actions or phrases.
  • Queries if they’re working hard to appear “normal” during social events.
  • Checks whether they feel exhausted from trying to camouflage their traits.


CAT-Q is a bit like a detective, searching for those camouflaging tactics that might otherwise go unnoticed.


Goally is a handy tablet helps kids with autism learn life skills, manage emotions, and even socialize better, all in a fun, game-like way. It’s like a digital helper for those trying to navigate their world more easily.