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What is a Clinical Social Worker?

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A Clinical Social Worker is like a helper for your mind and feelings. If you’re sad, worried, or having trouble, they talk with you and find ways to improve things.

Frequently Asked Question


Can a Clinical Social Worker work with my child's school?

Yes, a Clinical Social Worker can collaborate with teachers and school staff to support your child’s educational and emotional needs.

Is therapy with a Clinical Social Worker similar to seeing a psychologist?

Although similar, a Clinical Social Worker often integrates social support and practical assistance with mental health therapy, offering a broader approach to care.

What age group can benefit from seeing a Clinical Social Worker?

Clinical Social Workers can assist individuals of all ages, from young children to adults, providing tailored support according to their unique needs and challenges.

Scientific Definition


A Clinical Social Worker is a licensed mental health professional specializing in assessing, diagnosing, treating, and preventing mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. Utilizing a range of therapeutic methods and comprehensive strategies, Clinical Social Workers focus on enhancing the mental well-being of individuals, families, and groups. The treatment often integrates psychological counseling and social assistance to create a holistic approach, catering to those with special needs.

Real World Example of a Clinical Social Worker

Meet Susie, a bright 9-year-old who started feeling very nervous about school. Her parents decided to contact a Clinical Social Worker to find out what was happening. Here’s how it went:

  • First Meeting: The Clinical Social Worker talked with Susie about her likes and worries.
  • Finding the Problem: They discovered that Susie was scared of speaking in front of her class.
  • Working Together: Susie and the social worker practiced speaking and thought of fun ways to make it less scary.
  • Happy Ending: With some help and new skills, Susie became more comfortable speaking in class.

Susie’s story shows how a Clinical Social Worker can make a difference. They turned something scary into something fun and helped Susie feel good about herself again. No magic wand is needed, just some understanding and practice!

How does a Clinical Social Worker work?

A Clinical Social Worker helps people, especially children with special needs, by discovering what’s bothering them and providing support to improve things. Here’s how:

  • Talks with You: They listen to what’s on your mind and talk with you about it.
  • Finds Solutions: Helps you discover ways to solve problems or feel better.
  • Works with Families: Often includes families in the talks so everyone understands.
  • Connects with Other Helpers: This can get you in touch with people who can assist with different needs.

In short, a Clinical Social Worker is like a friend trained to help you feel your best, no matter what happens.

Goally can be a handy sidekick for a Clinical Social Worker. It’s a tablet with fun apps that teach kids essential life and language skills. By making learning fun, it helps support the work a Clinical Social Worker does with children, including building skills like brushing teeth, bedtime routines, and understanding feelings.