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What is a Child Behavior Checklist in Autism?

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The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is a questionnaire parents fill out about their child’s behaviors and emotions. It helps doctors understand if a child might have autism or other developmental issues.

Frequently Asked Question


Can the Child Behavior Checklist help identify other conditions?

Yes, the checklist can highlight other issues like anxiety, ADHD, and sensory sensitivities often seen in kids with autism.

What treatments can help address issues flagged by the Child Behavior Checklist?

Behavioral therapies, creating a supportive environment, and parent training are commonly used treatment methods.

How can Goally help with issues identified by the Child Behavior Checklist?

Goally offers apps that build life skills and help manage daily routines, making it easier to address some of the challenges highlighted.

Scientific Definition


The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is a widely used standardized assessment tool that aids in identifying behavioral and emotional problems in children, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Parents or caregivers complete the questionnaire, rating their child’s behaviors across various domains. The CBCL provides valuable insights into a child’s functioning and assists in diagnostic evaluations and treatment planning for children with ASD.


Real World Example of Child Behavior Checklist in Autism

Sarah, a concerned mother, noticed her 4-year-old son, Liam, struggling with social interactions and displaying repetitive behaviors. She decided to discuss her concerns with Liam’s pediatrician. The doctor asked Sarah to complete the Child Behavior Checklist to better understand Liam’s behaviors.

  • Completing the CBCL: Sarah carefully answered questions about Liam’s emotional and behavioral functioning across various settings.
  • Reviewing the results: The pediatrician analyzed the CBCL scores and identified areas where Liam’s behaviors differed from typically developing children.
  • Referral for evaluation: Based on the CBCL results and other observations, the pediatrician referred Liam for a comprehensive autism evaluation.
  • Diagnosis and support: The evaluation confirmed Liam’s autism diagnosis, and Sarah received guidance on supporting his unique needs.

The CBCL played a crucial role in identifying Liam’s challenges and ensuring he received the appropriate care and support.

How Does a Child Behavior Checklist in Autism Work?

The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is a valuable tool in assessing and diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Here’s how it’s used:

Aspect Description
Parent-reported information Parents or caregivers complete the CBCL questionnaire, providing detailed insights into the child’s behaviors and emotions.
Identifying behavioral patterns The CBCL helps identify specific behavioral patterns associated with ASD, such as social difficulties, repetitive behaviors, and emotional challenges.
Aiding in diagnosis CBCL results contribute to a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, along with other assessments and clinical observations.
Monitoring progress The CBCL can be administered at different time points to track changes in a child’s behavior and assess the effectiveness of interventions.

By providing a standardized assessment of a child’s behavior, the CBCL helps professionals make informed decisions about diagnosis, treatment planning, and support for children with autism and their families.


This post was originally published on Sept. 17, 2023. It was updated on April 19, 2024.