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What Is a Clinical Assessment?

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Clinical Assessment is like a doctor’s check-up for your child’s brain. It’s when a special doctor studies how your child thinks, learns, and acts to see if they’re growing just right.

Frequently Asked Question


What is a Clinical Assessment?

A Clinical Assessment is a detailed check-up of your child’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral health by a trained professional.

Why is a Clinical Assessment important for my child?

A Clinical Assessment helps identify your child’s unique way of thinking and learning, providing insights to support their growth and development.

What methods are used in a Clinical Assessment?

Clinical Assessment involves a parent interview, child observations, tests, and sometimes questionnaires for a comprehensive evaluation.

How can tools like Goally support the results of a Clinical Assessment?

Goally is a tablet with fun apps that reinforce learning, emotional regulation, and daily routines, complementing the insights from a Clinical Assessment.

Scientific Definition


A Clinical Assessment is a systematic evaluation conducted by a trained professional, often a psychologist or psychiatrist, to understand a child’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning. It involves various methods such as interviews, observations, and standardized tests to get a comprehensive understanding of the child’s mental health and development, helping identify any neurodivergent conditions or special needs.

Real World Example of a Clinical Assessment

Meet Timmy, a sweet 8-year-old boy. His parents noticed he was having trouble at school, so they decided to have a Clinical Assessment. Here’s how it went:

  • They started with a chat. Timmy’s parents spoke to a doctor about his habits, likes, and struggles.
  • During observation, the doctor watched Timmy play a game to see how he solves problems.
  • Timmy took a few tests. They were like fun puzzles and games, but they helped the doctor understand how Timmy thinks and learns.
  • Finally, Timmy’s parents filled out a questionnaire to give even more insights about Timmy’s daily life.

The results? Timmy is on the autism spectrum. Now, everyone understands him a bit better and he’s getting the right support. And Timmy? He’s just happy he got to play some cool new games!

How Does a Clinical Assessment Work?

Clinical Assessment is like a big puzzle about your child. Experts put pieces together to get a full picture. Here’s how it works:

  • A chat with you about your child’s history and behavior.
  • Observations of your child in different situations.
  • Tests to check how your child thinks and learns.
  • Questionnaires that you or your child might fill out.

After collecting all the pieces, experts can see the whole picture. This helps them understand your child better, and suggest ways to help them grow.

Don’t worry! It might sound like a lot, but it’s all about making sure your child gets the right support. Plus, they might even have fun during some of the tests!


In the world of Clinical Assessment, Goally is like a best friend for your kid. This tablet has fun apps that help kids learn life skills, handle emotions, and even manage daily routines. It’s a tool that can support the insights gained from the assessment, making life a little easier and a lot more fun!