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What is Central Coherence?

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Central coherence is the ability to see the big picture without getting stuck on small details. Kids with autism often have weak central coherence, which means they focus more on specific parts than the whole.

Frequently Asked Question


How does Central Coherence affect kids with developmental differences?

Kids with weak Central Coherence often focus on individual details rather than understanding the overall context or situation.

Can visual schedules help with Central Coherence challenges?

Yes, visual schedules can guide kids to see both detailed tasks and the overarching routine or goal, aiding their big-picture understanding.

Are there tools to improve a child's Central Coherence abilities?

Certainly! Tools like Goally’s visual schedules and gamified learning apps help kids balance detailed focus with overall context comprehension.

Why is central coherence important in everyday life?

Central Coherence allows individuals to make sense of complex environments and situations by understanding the larger context. It is crucial for effective decision-making, problem-solving, and social interactions.

Scientific Definition


Central coherence refers to the cognitive ability to integrate information from various sources to construct higher-level meaning in context. Individuals with strong central coherence can easily understand the overall gist or global meaning, while those with weak central coherence tend to focus on details without connecting them to the broader context. Research suggests that many individuals on the autism spectrum exhibit weak central coherence, which can impact their social communication and understanding of complex information.



Real World Example of Central Coherence

Sarah, a 9-year-old girl with autism, demonstrates how weak central coherence can affect daily life:

  • Focusing on details: Sarah notices every tiny scratch on her desk at school, but struggles to understand the main idea of a story.
  • Difficulty with context: When her teacher says, “It’s raining cats and dogs,” Sarah looks outside, confused about not seeing any animals falling from the sky.
  • Struggling with big picture: Sarah excels at memorizing facts about dinosaurs but finds it challenging to grasp how different dinosaur species interacted in their ecosystem.

By understanding how weak central coherence impacts Sarah, her parents and teachers can provide support and use her strengths to help her thrive.

How does Central Coherence work?

Central coherence plays a crucial role in various aspects of daily life:

  • Communication: Understanding context, sarcasm, and non-literal language.
  • Social interaction: Grasping unwritten social rules and interpreting body language.
  • Learning: Connecting new information to prior knowledge and seeing relationships between concepts.
Strong Central Coherence Weak Central Coherence
Easily grasps overall meaning Focuses on details
Understands context Struggles with non-literal language
Connects information Difficulty seeing relationships

By recognizing the impact of central coherence, parents and educators can adapt their communication and teaching styles to better support kids with weak central coherence, helping them build connections and understand the bigger picture.


This post was originally published on Sept. 10, 2023. It was updated on April 18, 2024.