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What are Communicative Functions?

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Think of Communicative Functions as reasons we chat or gesture. We might want to tell someone we’re hungry, share a cool story, get their attention, or show we’re happy or sad, and for kids with special needs, figuring out these reasons can help us chat better with them!

Frequently Asked Question


Why are Communicative Functions important for kids with special needs?

They help understand a child’s unique way of expressing and can guide interventions to improve communication.

Are rewards effective in reinforcing Communicative Functions?

Yes! Rewards motivate and encourage kids to practice and improve their communication skills.

How do emotional regulation apps tie into Communicative Functions?

These apps teach kids to recognize and express their emotions, enhancing their ability to convey feelings.

Scientific Definition


Communicative Functions refer to an individual’s varied intentions or purposes when communicating. These can range from expressing a need, giving information, and seeking attention to conveying feelings or emotions. Understanding these functions within the context of special needs is essential to tailor interventions and strategies that cater to individual communication objectives.

Real World Example of Communicative Functions

Susie, a vibrant 8-year-old with special needs, heads to the park. Let’s unravel her day using Communicative Functions:

  • Expressing needs: Susie tugs her mom’s hand, pointing to the ice cream van. Hint: She’s craving a treat!
  • Sharing info: At the sandbox, she excitedly gestures to a child’s castle, telling her dad, “Big castle!”
  • Seeking attention: Feeling a tad lonely, she claps to invite a nearby kid to slide with her.
  • Conveying feelings: After a fun game, she gives her new friend a big smile and thumbs up. Yay for friendships!

Today, Susie not only had a blast but also spoke her heart out. Communication is indeed magical!

How do Communicative Functions work?

When we communicate, it’s like picking from a menu of reasons. Each time we “order,” we choose a purpose.

  • Express needs: “I’m thirsty!”
  • Share info: “I saw a big dog!”
  • Grab attention: Waving hands.
  • Show feelings: A hug or a frown.

Getting the hang of these functions means we can connect even better. Sometimes, it’s all about the little signs and cues. So, keep those eyes peeled and ears open. 


Looking for a nifty tool to help out? Goally‘s tablet offers fun apps that not only jazz up learning but also enhance communicative functions. From cool games teaching life skills to videos that boost social savvy, Goally’s got your back. Every chat’s a chance to learn!



This post was originally published on August 12, 2023.