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What are Critical Autism Studies?

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Critical Autism Studies looks at autism from the viewpoint of autistic people. It questions the idea that non-autistic perspectives should be the main way to understand autism.

Frequently Asked Question


How does Critical Autism Studies differ from traditional autism research?

Unlike traditional research that aims to cure or fix autism, Critical Autism Studies works to empower and support autistic individuals in society.

Can Critical Autism Studies help my child in school?

Yes, it promotes inclusive education methods that aim to make classrooms a better fit for all kids, including those with autism.

How can I apply the principles of Critical Autism Studies at home?

You can create routines that play to your child’s strengths, and use tools like Goally to help build life and language skills.

Scientific Definition


Critical Autism Studies (CAS) is a field of research that examines autism through a critical lens, challenging the prevailing medical view which often sidelines autistic people’s involvement and experiences. CAS emphasizes the importance of centering autistic voices and considers autism a form of human diversity rather than a disorder needing a cure.


Real World Example of Critical Autism Studies

Meet Alex, an 8-year-old who has shown how Critical Autism Studies (CAS) can profoundly influence the lives of autistic individuals and their families.

  • Community Guidance: Alex’s parents learn about CAS and start seeking guidance from autistic adults.
  • Reevaluating Therapies: They realize many therapies they considered are seen as harmful by the autistic community.
  • Prioritizing Needs: Instead, they prioritize supporting Alex’s communication, sensory needs, and interests.
  • Celebrating Strengths: Alex thrives when his unique strengths are celebrated and his autistic identity is respected.

Alex’s journey underscores the importance of understanding and respecting the perspectives of autistic individuals. By embracing CAS, Alex’s family has helped him flourish in an environment that acknowledges and supports his true self.

How Do Critical Autism Studies Work?

Critical Autism Studies is used to:

  • Challenge assumptions about autism based only on non-autistic views.
  • Center autistic voices and include autistic people in research and decisions.
  • Shift the focus to supporting autistic well-being vs. trying to “fix” autistic people.
  • Promote acceptance of autism as a natural form of human diversity.
Traditional Autism View Critical Autism Studies
Focuses on deficits Focuses on strengths
Tries to make autistic people “normal” Accepts and values autistic differences

Using Critical Autism Studies principles, parents can better understand and support their autistic kids in ways that respect their unique perspectives and experiences.


This post was originally published on August 27, 2023. It was updated on May 9, 2024.