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Sensory Cravings

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Sensory cravings are when kids with special needs want or seek certain sensory experiences. They strongly desire particular sensations, such as touching different textures, hearing specific sounds, or moving in unique ways.

Frequently Asked Question


How can I identify sensory cravings in my child?

Look for repetitive behaviors like rocking, hand-flapping, or seeking certain tactile experiences; these signs may indicate your child’s sensory cravings.

Can sensory cravings be beneficial for my child?

Yes, sensory cravings can serve as coping mechanisms and provide comfort for children with special needs, helping them regulate their emotions and sensory experiences.

Should I seek professional help for my child's sensory cravings?

If sensory cravings significantly impact your child’s daily life or learning, consulting with an occupational therapist or developmental specialist can provide valuable guidance and support.

Can sensory cravings change over time in a child with special needs?

Yes, sensory cravings can evolve as a child grows and develops. Some children may outgrow certain sensory-seeking behaviors, while others may develop new ways to satisfy their sensory needs as they mature.

Scientific Definition


Sensory cravings refer to the intense longing or seeking of specific sensory stimuli by children with neurodivergent conditions. These cravings may manifest as a strong urge to engage in activities that provide particular sensory sensations, like rocking back and forth for comforting movement, seeking out different textures to touch and explore, or being drawn to certain sounds or visual patterns. Sensory cravings are a unique aspect of neurodiversity and can vary widely from one individual to another, contributing to their sensory experiences and responses. Understanding and addressing sensory cravings can provide a supportive and enriching environment for neurodivergent children, allowing them to thrive and navigate the world with greater comfort and joy.

Treatment to Help with the Symptom Sensory Cravings

Understanding how to effectively address sensory cravings can significantly enhance the well-being of children with special needs. Here are some strategies that you can try: 

  • Sensory Diet: Like a well-balanced food diet, a sensory diet provides a carefully planned schedule of sensory activities catering to a child’s unique sensory needs. Incorporating activities like swinging, deep-pressure touch, or fidget toys can help regulate and satisfy sensory cravings.
  • Sensory Integration Therapy: This therapy focuses on helping children process and respond to sensory input more effectively. Children can gradually learn to cope with their sensory cravings and develop more adaptive responses by engaging in purposeful activities that challenge the senses.
  • Structured Routines: Establishing consistent daily routines can be beneficial in managing Sensory Cravings. Knowing what to expect and when can help reduce anxiety and provide security for children with special needs.
  • Environmental Modifications: Creating a sensory-friendly environment at home and in other settings can significantly impact a child’s experience. Minimizing sensory triggers, incorporating calming spaces, and offering sensory-rich play areas can help alleviate sensory cravings.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Encouragement and praise for appropriate sensory-seeking behaviors can reinforce positive responses and reduce the intensity of sensory-seeking actions.
  • Occupational Therapy: Working with a skilled occupational therapist can be instrumental in addressing sensory cravings. Therapists can tailor activities and interventions to meet the child’s specific sensory needs.
  • Collaboration with Professionals: Consulting with pediatricians, developmental specialists, and educators can provide valuable insights and a comprehensive approach to managing sensory cravings.

With appropriate interventions and support, many children with sensory cravings can learn to regulate their sensory experiences more effectively over time. Developing coping mechanisms and adaptive responses can lead to increased independence and an improved quality of life. 

Conditions Associated with Sensory Cravings

Sensory cravings can be linked to various neurodivergent conditions, where children may experience heightened sensitivity or a strong desire for specific sensory input. Here are some of the most common conditions:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD):
    • Many children with ASD may exhibit sensory cravings, seeking repetitive movements, specific textures, or fixating on certain sounds.
    • Sensory Cravings in ASD can be a way for children to cope with overwhelming sensory input or to find comfort in familiar sensations.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):
    • Some children with ADHD may have sensory cravings, seeking activities that provide intense sensory input to help them focus or manage restlessness.
    • Sensory Cravings in ADHD can vary widely, with some children seeking movement and others preferring calming sensory experiences.
  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD):
    • SPD is characterized by difficulties processing and responding to sensory input, and children with this condition may experience sensory solid cravings.
    • Sensory Cravings in SPD can involve seeking out specific sensations or avoiding certain sensory experiences to feel more comfortable.

By acknowledging and respecting their sensory needs, parents can create a nurturing environment that promotes their child’s well-being and overall development. Goally’s tablet offers a solution with fun apps for life skills, emotional regulation, and more, helping kids manage sensory cravings effectively.