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What is Change Detection?

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You know how you notice when something in your room is moved or looks different? That’s Change Detection, and it’s our brain’s superpower that helps us spot differences in what’s around us.

Frequently Asked Question


How does change detection work?

Change detection works by our brain constantly monitoring our environment and alerting us when it spots any differences or changes.

Why is change detection important for children?

Change detection is key in children’s cognitive development, helping them understand their environment and adapt to changes.

Can change detection skills be learned?

Absolutely! With practice and the right tools, like Goally’s fun and engaging apps, children can enhance their change detection skills.

Scientific Definition


Change detection refers to the cognitive process through which an individual identifies environmental alterations. This process, fundamental to cognitive psychology, involves attention and working memory. It is a core element in the way our brains process and adapt to the world around us.

Real World Example of Change Detection

Susie, an imaginative 7-year-old, loves her bedroom just the way it is. Her change detection skills come to life when things aren’t quite as they should be.

  • One evening, she walks into her room after dinner. “Something’s different,” she thinks.
  • Her favorite teddy bear, usually on her bed, is on the chair. Thanks to her change detection, she instantly spots this.
  • The next morning, the sound of birdsong that usually wakes her up is missing. “It’s too quiet,” Susie realizes. That’s her change detection noticing the change in sound.
  • During her morning routine, her toothbrush feels different. It’s not her usual soft one but a new, harder one. Again, change detection to the rescue!

And so, Susie’s day goes on, with her brain’s detective skill, change detection, playing its part in every little way. That’s the power of noticing the new and the different!

How does Change Detection work?

Change detection is like our brain’s detective. It checks out everything we see, hear, and touch to find out if anything’s different from before. It’s a key part of how we interact with the world. Here’s how it works in action:

  • Spotting the new: Did a new picture pop up on the wall? Change detection helps us see it!
  • Hearing changes: Did the bird songs outside suddenly stop? That’s change detection in our ears.
  • Feeling different: If your pillow feels lumpier than usual, your brain’s change detection is at work!

So, in a way, we’re all brain detectives, keeping an eye on our world and finding what’s changed.


Our product, Goally, can be a real ally in honing this detective skill! With its fun and engaging apps, Goally helps kids notice changes in routines, boosting their change detection abilities and building a range of life skills along the way.