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What is Sensory Input ?

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Imagine your body as a big antenna, picking up signals from everything around you. “Sensory input” is all the stuff you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. It’s how we know if something is soft, loud, sweet, or bright!

Frequently Asked Question


What is sensory input in children?

Sensory input refers to how kids receive and process information from their environment using their five senses. It’s how they experience sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch.

Why is understanding sensory input important for parents?

Recognizing sensory input helps parents tailor environments for their child’s comfort and learning. It ensures that kids engage and learn optimally.

Can visual schedules assist with managing sensory input?

Absolutely! Visual schedules offer predictable routines, helping children with sensory sensitivities feel more at ease and prepared for daily activities.

How do emotional regulation apps support children with sensory challenges?

These apps provide coping strategies and exercises that allow children to understand and manage overwhelming sensory feelings, promoting calmness and focus.

Scientific Definition


Sensory input refers to the continuous stream of information relayed to the central nervous system, originating from external stimuli detected by our body’s sensory receptors. This information encompasses a range of modalities, including tactile (touch), auditory (sound), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), and visual (sight), and aids in our brain’s interpretation of the surrounding environment.

A Real World Example of Sensory Input

On a sunny Saturday, Susie decided to explore her backyard. Here’s what her senses told her:

  • Eyes: Spotted a vivid butterfly flitting by a pink rose.
  • Ears: Heard the distant whistle of a train and the chirping of birds up high.
  • Nose: Inhaled the fragrance of freshly cut grass mingled with a hint of barbecue from next door.
  • Tongue: Tasted the tangy zest of a lemon she sneakily plucked from the tree.
  • Skin: Felt the cool, ticklish touch of water as she ran through the sprinkler.

Through Susie’s sensory-filled exploration, she didn’t just “see” her backyard. She experienced it. It’s safe to say, every day’s an adventure when your senses lead the way!

How Does Sensory Input Work?

Every moment, our bodies are like detectives, gathering clues about the world. Here’s how this detective work happens:

  • Eyes: Catching colors and shapes. (That’s how we spot a rainbow!)
  • Ears: Picking up sounds, be it a giggle or a car horn.
  • Nose: Sniffing out scents, from fresh cookies to rain.
  • Tongue: Tasting all the sweet, sour, or spicy delights.
  • Skin: Feeling heat, cold, smooth, or bumpy things.

To wrap it up, think of your child’s senses as their toolkit. Every touch, taste, and sound helps paint a picture of the world. It’s a never-ending adventure of discovery!

Ever thought of a fun way to help your child with sensory input? Meet Goally, our nifty tablet. It’s packed with apps that make understanding and managing sensory experiences a breeze. From building life skills to fun learning games, Goally’s got your back!