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What are Sensory Breaks?

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Sensory breaks are short pauses during the day that allow kids with special needs to take a break from overwhelming or overstimulating situations. These breaks allow them to relax, self-regulate, and feel more comfortable.

Frequently Asked Question


Who benefits from sensory breaks?

Sensory breaks are beneficial for children with special needs, such as autism, ADHD, or sensory processing disorders, as they help them manage sensory challenges and reduce stress.

How long should a sensory break last?

The duration of sensory breaks varies depending on the child’s needs, but typically, they last anywhere from a few minutes to around 15 minutes to achieve optimal relaxation and focus.

Can sensory breaks be incorporated into a child's daily routine?

Yes, sensory breaks can be easily integrated into a child’s schedule, whether at home, school, or during outings, to provide regular opportunities for self-regulation and sensory exploration.

Are sensory breaks only for children with special needs?

While sensory breaks are particularly helpful for children with special needs, they can be beneficial for all children, as they provide moments of relaxation and can improve focus and emotional well-being for everyone.

Scientific Definition


A sensory break is a short, structured pause in the daily routine, beneficial for children with special needs, especially those dealing with sensory challenges. It helps prevent sensory overload, letting the child engage in calming activities to regulate their sensory experiences. This promotes well-being and participation in daily activities by catering to individual sensory needs.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Sensory Breaks

Susie is an imaginative and curious 8-year-old girl with autism. She loves exploring nature, but sometimes, crowded places overwhelm her sensitive senses. One day, Susie’s parents decided to try sensory breaks to help her cope better during outings.

  • A Trip to the Zoo: Excitement fills the air as Susie and her family head to the zoo. But amidst the cheerful chatter and bustling crowds, Susie feels anxious and fidgety.
  • The Calming Corner: Recognizing her need for a break, Susie’s mom leads her to a designated “calming corner.” Susie finds a cozy spot with a weighted blanket and a basket of squishy toys there.
  • Embracing the Break: Susie wraps herself in the comforting weighted blanket and squeezes a stress ball, instantly feeling more relaxed. The soothing textures help her reset and regain focus.
  • Back to Exploration: Susie is ready to explore again after her sensory break. She confidently engages with the animals, feeling more at ease and connected to her surroundings.

With the support of sensory breaks, Susie’s zoo visit becomes a delightful adventure. These intentional pauses empower her to navigate sensory challenges, ensuring she can enjoy new experiences fully.

How Do Sensory Breaks Work?

Sensory breaks are effective tools for supporting children with special needs. They work by providing a structured break to help children self-regulate when facing sensory challenges. Here’s how sensory breaks can be implemented:

Strategy Description
Quiet Space Designate a calm area with soft lighting and comfy seating for sensory retreat.
Deep Pressure Activities Use weighted blankets, compression garments, or hugging pillows for soothing deep pressure.
Movement Breaks Include activities like stretching, trampoline jumping, or swinging for energy release and focus.
Sensory Bins Fill bins with materials like rice, sand, or water beads for tactile calming experiences.
Breathing Exercises Teach deep breathing techniques to help children regulate emotions and reduce stress.
Fidget Toys Provide access to fidget toys like stress balls and squishy toys for energy release and concentration.
Sensory Walks Take short outdoor walks to explore different textures, smells, and sights, reducing anxiety.

Sensory breaks benefit kids with special needs so be sure to give them that. 


This post was originally published on Aug. 7, 2023. It was updated on Nov. 9, 2023.