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What is the CSBS Test?

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The CSBS test is a way to check how well young kids communicate and use symbols, like words or gestures. It’s used when there might be delays in these areas.

Frequently Asked Question


Who should consider using CSBS-DP?

Parents concerned about their child’s early social or communicative development should consider CSBS-DP. It helps identify areas where a child may need extra support.

Is CSBS-DP only for kids at risk of developmental disorders?

No, CSBS-DP can be helpful for all children in the 6 to 24-month age range to assess their communication and social skills.

Can Goally help with CSBS-DP results?

Absolutely! Goally offers apps like digital visual schedules that can complement therapies or skill-building activities advised after a CSBS-DP assessment.

Scientific Definition


The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS) test is a standardized assessment instrument designed to evaluate the communicative and symbolic abilities of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers who may exhibit developmental delays or impairments in these domains. This tool can be administered to children up to 72 months of age if they demonstrate atypical development. The CSBS provides valuable insights into a child’s early communication skills, which are crucial for timely intervention and support.


Real World Example of CSBS-DP

Three-year-old Liam’s parents noticed he wasn’t communicating like other kids his age. His pediatrician recommended the CSBS test to assess his skills. Here’s how it went:

  • Playtime observation: The specialist watched Liam play, noting how he interacted with toys and people.
  • Communication checklist: Liam’s parents filled out a questionnaire about his language and gestures.
  • Structured tasks: The specialist engaged Liam in activities designed to elicit communication, like asking for toys or responding to questions.

The CSBS test gave Liam’s team a clear picture of his strengths and challenges, helping them create a personalized plan to support his development.

How does CSBS-DP work?

The CSBS test is a valuable tool for assessing early communication skills in young children. Here’s how it’s typically used:

  • Identifying delays: The test can pinpoint areas where a child’s communication development lags behind expected milestones.
  • Guiding intervention: Results help professionals create targeted therapies and strategies to support the child’s growth.
  • Monitoring progress: Periodic CSBS testing can track a child’s improvement over time and adjust interventions as needed.
Age Range Key Skills Assessed
6-24 months Gestures, sounds, eye contact
24-72 months (atypical development) Words, phrases, play skills

By providing a comprehensive assessment of early communication abilities, the CSBS test empowers families and professionals to support children’s development effectively.


This post was originally published on August 27, 2023. It was updated on May 9, 2024.