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What is Central Fatigue?

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Central fatigue is a type of tiredness that happens when the levels of certain chemicals in the brain change. This can make muscles work less well and make it harder to exercise. It’s different from regular muscle tiredness.

Frequently Asked Question


How can I help my child manage central fatigue?

Supporting your child involves establishing a routine, incorporating breaks during tasks, ensuring proper hydration and nutrition, promoting quality sleep, and creating a sensory-friendly environment tailored to their needs.

Is central fatigue the same for every neurodivergent condition?

While central fatigue is a common symptom, its manifestation varies among conditions like ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Anxiety Disorders, each presenting unique challenges.

Can central fatigue improve over time?

With consistent support and understanding, many children can develop effective coping mechanisms, leading to improved management of central fatigue and an enhanced overall quality of life.

Are there medical treatments specifically for central fatigue?

Treatment approaches for central fatigue often involve a holistic strategy, focusing on lifestyle adjustments, routine, and sensory considerations, but consulting with healthcare professionals can provide personalized guidance for your child’s unique needs.

Scientific Definition


Central fatigue refers to a reduced ability to generate force or perform tasks due to changes in the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. In neurodivergent conditions in kids, central fatigue can manifest as decreased energy, concentration, or coordination. It’s like the brain saying, “I need a break!” Understanding and recognizing central fatigue can help parents support their kids in managing their energy levels and ensuring they have the right balance of rest and activity.


Treatment for Central Fatigue

Helping your child manage central fatigue involves simple strategies that can make a big difference in their daily life. Incorporating these approaches empowers them to navigate their neurodivergent journey more smoothly.

  • Create a Routine:
    • Establish a consistent daily routine to provide a sense of predictability.
    • Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps to prevent overwhelming the brain.
  • Incorporate Breaks:
    • Encourage short breaks during tasks to prevent mental exhaustion.
    • These breaks could include activities your child enjoys, like a quick walk or a favorite hobby.
  • Hydration and Nutrition:
    • Ensure your child stays hydrated and maintains a balanced diet.
    • A well-nourished body supports a healthier and more resilient central nervous system.
  • Quality Sleep:
    • Establish a calming bedtime routine to promote restful sleep.
    • A good night’s sleep enhances cognitive function and helps combat fatigue.
  • Sensory-Friendly Environment:
    • Create a comfortable and sensory-friendly space for your child.
    • Minimize distractions and provide tools like fidget toys for self-regulation.

Integrating these practical approaches into your child’s daily life can help them better manage central fatigue and promote overall well-being. 

Conditions Associated with Central Fatigue

Central fatigue is a common symptom associated with various neurodivergent conditions. Understanding these conditions can provide valuable insights into managing and addressing central fatigue in children.

Condition Description
ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) Central fatigue may result from the constant effort to maintain focus and attention.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Sensory sensitivities and social interactions in ASD can contribute to central fatigue.
Fibromyalgia Individuals with fibromyalgia often experience widespread pain and fatigue, including central fatigue.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Central fatigue is a hallmark symptom of CFS, affecting energy levels and cognitive function.
Anxiety Disorders Persistent worries and heightened stress can contribute to mental exhaustion.

Recognizing the association between central fatigue and these neurodivergent conditions is crucial in tailoring support for your child. 


This post was originally published on November 15, 2023. It was updated on April 18, 2024.