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What are CHRNA7 Deletions?

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CHRNA7 deletions are a rare genetic condition that can affect a child’s mental health and behavior. It’s linked to a higher chance of developing certain psychiatric disorders, like schizophrenia.

Frequently Asked Question


How common is the CHRNA7 Deletion?

About 0.5% of the population has some form of the CHRNA7 Deletion, making it relatively rare but significant.

How can rewards support kids with CHRNA7 Deletions?

Rewards motivate and reinforce positive behaviors, especially helping kids with CHRNA7 Deletions to focus and achieve set tasks.

Are there apps to support emotional regulation in these kids?

Absolutely! Apps like Goally offer tools and games designed to boost emotional regulation and coping skills in children.

Scientific Definition


CHRNA7 deletions are a rare genetic variant involving the deletion of the CHRNA7 gene, which codes for the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. This receptor plays an important role in brain signaling and has been implicated in various neuropsychiatric conditions. Individuals with CHRNA7 deletions have a significantly increased risk of developing schizophrenia and may also be more prone to certain behavioral and cognitive challenges.



Treatment for CHRNA7 Deletions

Treatment for kids with CHRNA7 deletions may include:

  • Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other psychotherapeutic approaches can help manage symptoms and improve coping skills.
  • Medication: Antipsychotic medications may be prescribed to address schizophrenia-related symptoms, while other medications can target specific behavioral or emotional challenges.
  • Educational support: Individualized education plans and accommodations at school can help kids with learning or attention difficulties succeed academically.
  • Family support: Counseling and support groups for parents and siblings can provide education, resources, and emotional support.

With proper treatment and support, many kids with CHRNA7 deletions can lead fulfilling lives. However, ongoing monitoring and care are important, as symptoms may change over time.

Symptoms of CHRNA7 Deletions

Symptoms of CHRNA7 deletions can vary from child to child, but may include:

  • Behavioral challenges: Impulsivity, aggression, or social withdrawal
  • Cognitive difficulties: Problems with attention, memory, or executive functioning
  • Emotional regulation issues: Mood swings, anxiety, or flat affect
  • Psychotic symptoms: Hallucinations, delusions, or disorganized thinking (in cases of schizophrenia)
Common Behavioral Symptoms Common Cognitive Symptoms
Impulsivity, aggression, social withdrawal Attention problems, memory issues, executive functioning deficits

Recognizing and addressing these symptoms early can help kids with CHRNA7 deletions get the support they need to thrive.


This post was originally published on August 29, 2023. It was updated on May 8, 2024.