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What is CHARGE Syndrome?

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Think of CHARGE Syndrome as a set of health problems a person is born with. The name “CHARGE” is like a list that tells us what these problems can be, including issues with their eyes, heart, growth, and ears.

Frequently Asked Question


What does CHARGE stand for?

CHARGE is an acronym that stands for Coloboma, Heart defects, Atresia choanae, Retarded growth and development, Genital abnormalities, and Ear abnormalities.

How can CHARGE Syndrome be managed?

Managing CHARGE Syndrome involves a range of treatments, including medical support, therapy sessions, specialized education, and emotional support.

How can Goally assist children with CHARGE Syndrome?

Goally is a tool that uses engaging apps to help children with CHARGE Syndrome improve their life and language skills and learn routines in a fun way.

Scientific Definition


CHARGE Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a distinct pattern of congenital disabilities. The acronym “CHARGE” represents Coloboma, Heart defects, Atresia choanae, Retarded growth and development, Genital abnormalities, and Ear abnormalities. Individuals with CHARGE Syndrome frequently have a range of cognitive, sensory, and physical disabilities due to abnormalities in multiple organ systems.

Symptoms of CHARGE Syndrome

CHARGE Syndrome‘s symptoms can vary significantly between individuals. Here’s a quick run-through of the common signs:

  • Eye Problems: Some may have coloboma, which affects the eye’s structure.
  • Heart Defects: Many face different types of heart issues.
  • Growth Delays: Kids might develop or grow slower than their peers.
  • Ear Abnormalities: This could lead to hearing loss.
  • Breathing Difficulties: Some struggle with blocked nasal passages.

Knowing these symptoms can help tailor the proper care and treatments. With knowledge comes the power to manage CHARGE Syndrome effectively and help your child live their best life.

Treatment of CHARGE Syndrome

  • Medical Support: Managing CHARGE Syndrome often involves a team of doctors and therapists. For example, a cardiologist can help with heart problems, while an audiologist can work on hearing issues.
  • Therapy Sessions: Speech and occupational therapy can be beneficial. Think of these as helpful classes where your child learns skills to manage daily life.
  • Special Education: An education plan tailored to your child’s needs can aid their development and learning, just like a personalized roadmap to help them reach their potential.
  • Emotional Support: Never underestimate the power of love and encouragement. Your positive energy can make a world of difference.

With these treatments, kids with CHARGE Syndrome can lead fulfilling lives. The path might be challenging, but every step forward counts!


Our product, Goally, could be a valuable tool for kids with CHARGE Syndrome. It’s like a friendly coach on a tablet, offering fun ways to learn life skills, language, and even routines. With Goally, kids can enjoy learning and growing at their own pace.